Matchbox 1/72 Heinkel He-115
11 7 March, 05:39

Wow! How did you find THIS kit? I remember building it when I was 8 years old in the 70s! Brings back lots of memories!
1 7 March, 14:17

Funny, I think I was in junior high school when I built this in the late seventy. However while stocking up a few things at the local hobby store this was sitting on bottom shelf. For 5 bucks (CAN) I thought this couldn't get any better. Remember having a chat with my kids and describing how Matchbox kits came with this window in back showing you the color of plastic they used.
7 March, 15:03

I have the reissue of one of the last Revell boxes, but the original Matchbox has a special magic with those colors, that box and those instructions.
Good luck. Following!
1 7 March, 19:15