baza danych modelowania gundam | zarządzanie magazynem
Alessandro Pettinacci (ThaBigBoy)

Fokker E.III Eindecker / Douai 1916 / Eduard / Max Immelmann


15 16 July 2022, 20:18
Robert Podkoński
Watching with interest and pleasure 🙂
 17 July 2022, 05:50
Bas Tonn
oof, nice
 17 July 2022, 19:08
Michael Kohl
I am in too.
 17 July 2022, 20:15
Alessandro Pettinacci
Here is the finished model, i've made it in in just over a week and i've had a lot of fun making it, i think it looks great too. Hope you enjoy!
 25 July 2022, 12:16
Clean and careful build! 👍
 25 July 2022, 12:30

Album info

Fokker E.III Eindecker // 246/16 // Kampfeinsitzerkommando (KEK) Douai, France, June 1916 // Oberstleutnant Max Immelmann // Eduard 1/72

18 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 Fokker E.III (Eduard 7444)
Fokker E.III Eindecker
DR Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte (Imperial German Air Force 1916-1920)
Kampfeinsitzerkommando (KEK) Douai 246/16 (Oblt. M.Immelmann)
Czerwiec 2016 World War 1 - Douai FR

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