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Eduardo Arguijo (seth9229)

OS2U kingfisher 1/48 monogram with flightline engineering resin update


86 8 February 2022, 00:00
Rui S
Excellent work 👍
 8 February 2022, 00:40
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thank you Rui
 8 February 2022, 01:46
Matthew Hyde
stunning, great job
 8 February 2022, 02:06
Very nice. I Really like the salt water staining on the float.
 8 February 2022, 02:18
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thank you guys, i apreciate your words
 8 February 2022, 04:04
Alex Rodionov
Fantastic job. So old kit and so superb result. 👍
 8 February 2022, 04:52
Lochsa River
Love a Kingfisher! Really nice weathering job...
 8 February 2022, 06:17
Simon Nagorsnik
Fantastic work!!
 8 February 2022, 06:46
Villiers de Vos
Very nice, especially the paint work and weathering.
 8 February 2022, 07:23
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastic work 👍
 8 February 2022, 07:23
Inspiring paint work and weathering! 👍
 8 February 2022, 09:47
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
thank you all, really glad you liked it. the build was really a challenge, the paint and weather a pleasure, I learned a lot trying new things for me so I am glad the effort gave good results
 8 February 2022, 13:33
Alain Brshl
Great job! You managed to get a very realistic result. Congratulations!
 8 February 2022, 15:12
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thank you Alain! kind words
 8 February 2022, 15:16
Laurent D
I am speetchless !!! WELL DONE !!
 8 February 2022, 15:36
Michael Kohl
That Kingfisher turned out really nice.
 8 February 2022, 17:47
Nathan Dempsey
Fine work. Looks like the Flightline Engineering set worked well too.
 8 February 2022, 18:34
David Taylor
Puts mine to shame.
 8 February 2022, 18:41
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thank you guys, I appreciate your words. I am glad it turned out allright.
 8 February 2022, 19:55
Hugh CAST.
What a fantastic job. Your Kingfisher is awesome. 😍😍
 8 February 2022, 21:16
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thank you so much Hugh
 9 February 2022, 02:43
Amazing result. I really like the weathering.
 9 February 2022, 10:52
Erik Leijdens
Fantastic Eduardo
 9 February 2022, 10:52
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Vincent, erik, thank you!
 9 February 2022, 14:19
Wow, it is so realistic, l love the weathering, just perfect
 21 October 2022, 07:30
Michael Kohl
I absolutely agree with Spanjaard
 21 October 2022, 08:24
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
This little old kit was a handfull, thank you
 21 October 2022, 13:00
Just stunning!
 21 October 2022, 13:09
 21 October 2022, 15:23
Excellent build Eduardo ! The finish/weathering is very realistic, Thank You. Maybe a Wildcatfish next ?
 21 October 2022, 15:33
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thanks, a wildcat is on the list to come, but a corsair is first in line
 21 October 2022, 21:28
A Wildcatfisch, Wildcat on floats ?
 21 October 2022, 21:56
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Ohhh didnt know that one, thought it was a misstype jajajaja
 22 October 2022, 03:41
Eduardo, AMC Models makes a 1/72 resin kit of the Grumman F4F-3S a Wildcat on floats(I have this). I once heard at a model show that someone makes a conversion kit in 1/48 ? Or you could use the resin floats from the AMC kit on a 1/72 kit.
 22 October 2022, 04:07
Looks like Cutting Edge Modelworks produces the Wildcatfish conversion kit for 1/48. From what I see, you would do justice to this rare aircraft.
 22 October 2022, 04:24
Nathan Dempsey
Happy to see this build back in the feed. A lovely build.
 22 October 2022, 12:42
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thank you for your vote of conffidence John.

Nathan, thank you for your kind words
 22 October 2022, 23:30
Peter Wu
great job, nice water effect.
 23 October 2022, 03:16
Paul Moore
I was thinking, "No way am I ever going to get this kit! It looks like a toy. Then I saw your build and the excellent paint job and weathering. You've really turned this into an outstanding model. Maybe I'll get this after all. Or maybe someone will make a new 1/48 scale kit ….
 24 April 2023, 11:22
Thomas Bischoff
Awesome 👍
 24 April 2023, 11:26
Roberto Rocat
Wow. Super. 👍
 24 April 2023, 13:34
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thomas, Roberto, Thanks a lot.

Paul, I am flattered! Thanks a lot. Deffinetley not an easy build, but with the resin upgrade it stands out. Good luck with your build, I am sure it will turn out great!
 29 April 2023, 23:01
Ethan Flory
Absolutely outstanding!!!
 30 April 2023, 03:21
Thomas Wirsching
supercool build! Love the water marks at the swimmer
 30 April 2023, 03:36
brilliant weathering 👍👍
 30 April 2023, 07:08
Guy Rump
Beautiful build. 👍
 30 April 2023, 07:20
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Ethan, Robert, Thomas, Guy, thank you guys for your comments. Very glad you liked it!
 1 May 2023, 00:47
Very beautiful model!
 1 May 2023, 03:01
Pietro De Angelis
Fantastic job and weathering!
 1 May 2023, 14:49
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Petróleo, cortes, thanks a lot
 1 May 2023, 19:08

Project info

15 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 Vought OS2U Kingfisher, Update Set for use with the Monogram 1:48 scale kit. (Flightline Engineering Unknown)1:48 Vought OS2U Kingfisher (Squadron Products 9542)1:48 Kingfisher (Monogram 5488)

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