Karakurt late and early
August 24, 2020"late" hull2
August 24, 2020Early hull3
August 24, 2020"late" hull4
August 24, 2020"late" hull5
August 24, 2020Other resin parts6
August 24, 2020PE and decals7
August 24, 2020first blood8
August 24, 2020Liferaft supports, tiny buggers9
August 24, 2020some railings on... first time to do this, used PVA glue so far10
August 24, 2020one afternoons work...11
August 24, 2020top view12
August 24, 2020and for size...13
August 25, 2020Some progress, think I need to add some holes to add a few toothpicks to be able to hold the model without damaging it14
August 25, 2020Liferaft holders and upper mast. Soldered together because believe it or not, but it works better that way then glueing, at least for me...
I try to build up some volume by adding glue at certain surfaces to get rid of the 2D appearance15
August 25, 2020Same for these small reinforcements... it was more easy to solder these parts then to try to glue these16
August 27, 2020etching of the brass is so soetching of the brass is so so17
August 27, 2020Some tiny amounts of glue needed18
August 27, 2020some scraping with the tip of a blade later19
August 27, 2020Main mast, some very tiny pieces to add... 8 pieces alone on the yardarms...20
August 27, 202021
August 27, 2020topview22
August 27, 2020rear section23
August 27, 2020mid section24
August 27, 2020front section25
August 29, 202026
August 29, 202027
August 29, 202028
August 29, 202029
August 29, 202030
August 29, 2020Started painting the details: palash with alu missile containers31
August 29, 2020real size32
August 29, 2020Started painting the details: 100mm gun33
August 29, 2020front almost complete except for anchor and chain34
August 29, 2020Antenna's in place, details on the mast painted, just rigging (first time, so wish me luck) and a few touch-up's to do35
August 29, 2020Rear section36
August 29, 2020bit clearer37
August 29, 2020general view38
August 31, 2020decals on...39
August 31, 2020In the last second, while treating with decal setting... some slight movement... darn....40
September 1, 2020So... rigging... tried it first with streched sprue... way to thick according to a friend, and guess what, he was right.41
September 1, 2020So next attempt with the ultra fine wire from Ushi... works like a charm, and looks good to, but boy, that's time consuming...42
September 1, 2020so bit by bit with tiny drops of superglue43
September 1, 202044
September 1, 2020result...45
September 1, 2020
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