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Rod - (the_crack_fox)

lamborghini diablo by fujimi


6 2 May 2020, 07:55
Chris Greathouse
Love the colors!
 2 May 2020, 08:00
Rod - Autor
Thanks! 🙂 SMS pearl lauquers. Blackcurrant, strawberry and a little bit of orange.
 2 May 2020, 08:03
Rod - Autor
Hehe yeah, it is a truly awful kit. I wanted to stomp on it a few times, but I paid to much for it so pushed through.
 2 May 2020, 11:53
General Fail
Great build. Looks so real B)
 2 May 2020, 11:57
Christian W
This color matches really good on the Diablo. I like uncommon colors on sportscars.
 24 March 2022, 12:19

Project info

6 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:24 1999 Lamborghini Diablo SV MY99 (Fujimi 12190)1:24 Lamborghini Diablo SV Masking Seal (Hobby Design HD09-0011)

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