Terrible Millennium Falcon kit; decent results
March 3, 20202
March 3, 20203
March 3, 2020The remote switch ended up not working. I used a motion detecting switch from Evan Designs4
March 3, 20205
March 3, 20206
March 3, 20207
June 2, 20218
June 15, 20219
June 15, 2021Since the kit and my scratch built detailing don't really match any screen-specific version of the Falcon, I'm going to say this version is post Solo: A Star Wars Story, but pre-Star Wars (A New Hope for the kids). So it'll have a little of the blue stripes from Lando, and the quad guns will be "recently installed" thus some primer color on the underside gun emplacement.10
July 21, 2021I've got the thing painted finally, and I've started the weathering. I'm officially tired of looking at it, so hopefully I can get it done soon. 🙂11
July 27, 202112
July 27, 2021A little Republic leftover to patch the Falcon13
July 27, 2021Pro tip: don’t leave Micro Mask on your clear parts for almost two years if you ever want to get it off. I’m going to make new cockpit pieces and clean the gun station glass.14
July 27, 2021While the clear part is off getting cleaned here’s a close up of the scratch built gun bays.15
August 6, 2021Almost there . . . weathering on one side is done.16
October 23, 202117
October 23, 202118
October 23, 2021The figures were terrible BUT with an improved cabin and some lights it was ok19
October 23, 2021I scratch built the interiors of the gun pods but it was really hard to see when all buttoned up20
October 23, 2021An added armor plate scavenged from a Republic cruiser21
October 23, 2021Battery cover houses the motion sensors (the two hemispherical protrusions)22
October 23, 2021Two 9V run the two circuits23
October 23, 2021
7 February 2025, 03:38 -