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Sven Schönyan (ssn-modellbau)

A-4 Test at White Sands


31 December 2018, 14:27
Sven Schönyan Autor
Does anyone know which type of truck it is you can see pulling the A-Stoff transporter and if there is a 1/72 kit on the market?
 31 December 2018, 14:28
Could it be the Autocar U-7144? If it is there are several kits available in the kit database, for example Airfix - Nr. A06304 - 1:72
 31 December 2018, 14:46
Sven Schönyan Autor
Hey Richmond, I thought about the Autocar, too. But it is different from the one in the picture. Anyway if I can´t find it I kepp the Autocar in my mind as a backup.
 4 January 2019, 12:53
Hi Sven

Maybe this article will prove useful
 4 January 2019, 13:27

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