Belgian Spitfire Mk. XIVc
November 9, 2015Basepaint for interior, started with green, later heard interior was black, so applied some hairspray and then german gray with black2
November 9, 2015started also with the instrument panel3
November 23, 2015Cockpit again in interior green, first things attached, and wash applied, still needs some cleanup. Also some paint has been scraped away to glue the bulkheads4
November 23, 2015Cockpit again in interior green, some paint has been scraped away to glue the bulkheads. The screwed up place under the entrance was for the installation of the black box but after dryfitting it got lost under the seat...5
November 23, 2015instrument panel almost finished6
November 27, 20157
November 27, 20158
November 27, 20159
November 27, 2015Hull ready for closure10
December 17, 2015adding rivets11
December 17, 2015adding rivets12
December 17, 2015adding rivets13
December 17, 2015adding rivets14
January 4, 2016rivets added, hope it will pay off..15
January 4, 2016rivets added, hope it will pay off..16
January 4, 2016rivets added, hope it will pay off..17
January 4, 2016rivets added, hope it will pay off..18
January 4, 2016rivets added, hope it will pay off..19
January 4, 2016rivets added, hope it will pay off..20
January 14, 2016black basecoat with alclad base. Not even close to shiny..21
January 14, 201622
January 14, 201623
January 14, 201624
January 14, 201625
January 14, 2016crack's in lacquer in wheel well... damn..26
January 19, 2016a lot of polishing later...27
January 19, 2016a lot of polishing later...28
January 19, 2016a lot of polishing later... wheelbays are cleaned up with a small glass fibre pen29
September 25, 2016Finally some progress, ready for paint30
October 16, 2016Finally some time to paint this one...31
October 16, 2016Finally some time to paint this one...32
October 16, 2016Finally some time to paint this one...33
December 1, 2016largest decals on... although in two layers (black center is separate) they went on as a breeze34
December 1, 2016largest decals on... although in two layers (black center is separate) they went on as a breeze35
December 1, 2016lower wing36
December 1, 2016nice and snug in the details37
December 5, 2016Decalling finished38
December 5, 2016Decalling finished39
December 5, 2016Decalling finished40
August 15, 2017Propellor slightly chipped41
August 15, 2017Exhaust weathered42
August 15, 2017Exhaust weathered43
August 15, 2017Almost done44
August 15, 2017Almost done45
August 27, 2017Last fail... Legs broken off... So I drilled a hole and added some copperwire for additional strength46
August 27, 2017Finally finished!!!47
August 27, 2017Finally finished!!!48
August 27, 2017Finally finished!!!49
August 27, 2017Finally finished!!!50
August 27, 2017Finally finished!!!
15 March 2025, 19:48 -