AMT Anakin's Podracer
May 22, 2023Why, oh why are the instructions so big!! Unfolded they take up the whole desk, how am I supposed to build this if the paperwork fills the desk 😉2
May 22, 2023I'm starting with the engines so here's the 'pipes' sprue, lots of extra bits on these parts that all need cutting off. I'm planning to prime & paint these on the sprue.3
May 22, 2023Most were simple enough to trim with the nippers but some were right in the bend (the two 21's) so needed to be cut off with my knife.4
May 22, 2023A small bit of filing on these parts, easy enough with a flat file and finished with a round one,5
May 22, 2023Engine parts glued and taped. Really fiddly as it's made up of four different sections so made two halves and let them dry then glued them together with the engine exhaust.6
May 22, 2023Still ended up with gaps though 😠7
May 22, 2023A bit of Tamiya extra thin and squeezing then a small bit of sanding to make it better8
May 22, 2023Engines ready for primer.9
May 22, 2023But how to hold them?? Cunning trick with 3mm rod and Blu-Tack to push up the ends should do the trick.10
May 22, 2023Which works 👍, just need to be careful that they don't overbalance and tip out of the cup.11
May 22, 2023All the engine parts ready for primer. Going to prime all of these black, then paint metallic as even the different coloured parts have at least some chipping on them so the whole lot can be painted at once.12
May 23, 2023All the engine parts have been primed with Mig One Shot Black.13
May 23, 2023Left the primer overnight then painted all the parts Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminium14
May 23, 2023Main engine assemblies painted Duraluminium as well. Shiny 😎15
May 26, 2023Engine "petals" and their brackets get a coat of black primer. Same as the rest, I'm going to paint them all Duraluminium then yellow to chip.16
May 26, 2023Coloured engine parts. First had a coat of gloss varnish to protect the metallic paint then chipping fluid then colour - Ochre Yellow and Fire Red respectively.17
May 26, 2023Chipping done by slightly damping the paint then using the scourer or cocktail stick to chip18
May 26, 2023All the "pipes" are copper coloured.19
May 26, 2023Blue areas masked then painted French Blue.20
May 26, 2023Then I could assemble. Those copper pipes are the most fiddly thing I've ever done and the instructions are awful but I got there.21
May 26, 2023Other side of the engine with everything fitted. Still another one to do!22
May 27, 2023Quick update: Both engines are now assembled and both have had a wash of Nuln Oil, that stuff looks so good over metallics 👍. Next step is making the exhaust look sooty and dirty, Might try streaking it with Vallejo Metal Color Jet Exhaust but having a think on how that would work.23
May 28, 2023Engine exhausts done! Started with the Jet Exhaust then sprayed lightly over the top of that some transparent blue then transparent red and yellow (to make orange) and it hasn't turned out too badly - makes it look like a suitably sooty & burnt exhaust.24
May 28, 2023On to the last bits on the engines. Painted Duraluminium as the rest of it then gloss coated to protect.25
May 28, 2023Yellow Ochre top coat and chipping with a cocktail stick.26
May 28, 2023Decals! They are so (so) thick. Three coats of Microsol so far and still not fully settled. One more coat and I'll leave them overnight and see how they look in the morning.27
May 29, 2023After five coats of Microsol the decals weren't getting any better so I gave them a quick coat of matt varnish and fitted them. Dry fitted the engines on the stand with the energy binding and took a quick 360 so you can see them all the way around 😄28
May 29, 202329
May 29, 202330
May 29, 2023Bonus builder's hand in this one 😉31
May 29, 202332
June 3, 2023On to the pod. Glued the parts together for the lower part of the pod which left a nasty seam gap. Some Tamiya Putty and a bit of sanding and that looks better.33
June 3, 2023Primed with Mig One Shot black and the seam is just about gone.34
June 3, 2023The first batch of the pod parts primed with One Shot black as well.35
June 3, 2023The cockpit parts primed in Mig One Shot Black, Vallejo Ghost Grey and Mig One Shot Sand. Ready for painting.36
June 3, 2023Anakin gets a lick of paint. Needs a clear coat and wash but thought I'd show it at this stage as......37
June 3, 2023I used all these paints 😮 but just one brush 😉 My Winsor & Newton No. 0 is really all sorts of awesome for this small work 🙂38
June 4, 2023Anakin gloss coated, washed with Citadel Agrax Earthshade then satin coated. He's all done.39
June 4, 2023Along with all the rest of the cockpit parts.40
June 4, 2023Pod parts all painted Duraluminium and about to get a gloss coat ahead of assembly then decals.41
June 4, 2023Pod gloss coated then assembled. The "controls" are still loose so I can line them up when Anakin goes in after I've added the decals.42
June 5, 2023Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! There's two more parts that need to be added to the pod before the decals but the instructions have the decal callouts shown before they are supposed to be added. So a short wait while they both get a black primer and metallic coat then clear coat and glued on. Then I can do the decals.
(Promise I'm not trying to put off the decals as they really are needed under them and not added afterwards 😉 )43
June 25, 2023After a little break where I made a whole new home office with dedicated model making area 😎44
June 25, 2023All the remaining parts for the pod got primed with black then a duraluminium topcoat and a gloss coat....45
June 25, 2023So, now the pod has all it's parts ready for the decals.46
June 25, 2023Decals are applied but just as wrinkly as the ones on the engine 'petals'. Lots of coats of Microsol to do!47
June 25, 2023The stand has had a lick of paint though so is ready for use.48
June 26, 2023Microsol really is wonderful stuff 😄 Settled down nicely and I've added the rest of the parts. Needs a clear coat to even everything up, I'll probably go for a Satin coat next then add Anakin & the windshield49
June 27, 2023Semi-gloss clear coat added to even everything out50
June 27, 2023Annakin gets fitted in and 'connected' to the control sticks.51
June 27, 2023Windshield fitted, held in place with blu tack and I 'painted' (with a cocktail stick) the bottom of the screen with Micro Kristal Klear so hopefully that'll hold it. I'm leaving it overnight to cure.52
June 28, 2023Half glued 🙁 One side stuck and the other didn't. I'll try that side again.53
June 28, 2023Better on the second attempt, the windshield is a bit messy but in place.54
June 28, 2023Flicked some Agrax Earthshade from the front to make some nice oily/spattery weathering.55
June 28, 2023Time to glue everything together. Used CA glue to join the pod to the engines with the "cables" (just primed with One Shot Black), Used tape to hold the cables to the guides on the pod until it sets fully.56
June 28, 2023I'm liking how the final assembly causes the pod to sit at a nice angle. Happy accident but good all the same.57
June 28, 2023Removed the tape and we're all done 😄 I'll make a nice 360 against a plain background once I dig out the sheets after the move.58
June 28, 202359
June 28, 202360
June 28, 202361
June 28, 202362
June 28, 202363
June 28, 202364
June 28, 202365
June 28, 202366
June 28, 202367
June 28, 202368
June 28, 202369
June 28, 202370
June 28, 202371
June 28, 2023
7 March 2025, 02:53 -
Album info
I've just built a small one so time for a big one! Dug the podracer out of the stash and planning to have lots of engine weathering fun with this one. It's an old kit so hopefully I'll manage with the decals but have heard lots of bad things about them, especially the ones on the pod itself. Wish me luck!