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Uwe Kaeding
Uwe Kaeding

DFT T.28 "Floh"

Photo 1 of 8


4 August 2017, 07:59
Alexander Grivonev
Wow, an eggplane long before eggplanes came into fashion..
 4 August 2017, 14:13
Dave Flitton
It even has a smile on the nose
 4 August 2017, 14:15
Alec K
Had no idea there was kit of this plane! Well done 👍
 5 August 2017, 02:23
Uwe Kaeding
Thanks guys. Dave - yes, you get the feeling the designers were having fun when they designed the air intakes (the gun ports even look like eyebrows...). Alec - this is an old kit from back in the eighties or nineties. Believe it or not there are actually a couple of modern kits out there, even one in styrene!
 5 August 2017, 04:49
Alec K
That is hard to believe! But, it IS a unique and interesting design.
 5 August 2017, 12:29

Album info

This is the Czech Master kit of the DFW T.28 "Floh" prototype fighter of 1915

8 bilder
1:72 DFW T.28 Floh "Flea" (CMR CMR1044)1:72 D.F.W. B-I (Formaplane D23)1:72 DFW C.V (Skybirds '86 )1:72 1913 DFW Mars (VLE Models )

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