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Roberto Rocat (rocat)

Bf-109 E7/Trop


1 22 July 2015, 14:38
Szilárd Kun
 3 August 2015, 14:06
soheil moghisi
Very nice.
 3 August 2015, 15:07
Cristian Bordina
Bel 109, complimenti 🙂
 3 August 2015, 15:47
Roberto Rocat Forfatter
Thank you mates 👍
 4 August 2015, 14:06
Bulldog Scale Models
Bello davvero questo Emil
 4 August 2015, 19:14
André Bergsma
Looks very good..
 4 August 2015, 19:25
Soeren R.
Really nice!
 4 August 2015, 19:25
Roberto Rocat Forfatter
Thank you for your kind comments mates!
 4 August 2015, 20:14
Matthias Weiss
Excellent work! I like that one, got a Bf-110 Trop and will build it soon.
 15 August 2015, 09:35
Martien Lourens
Excellent. Very convincing airbrush work. 👍👍👍
 15 August 2015, 10:54
Hanno Kleinecke
Classic camo scheme excellently painted, great work on the mottles !
 15 August 2015, 17:40
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 15 August 2015, 20:27
John E
Your mottling looks very realistic. Excellent work!
 16 August 2015, 02:41
Roberto Rocat Forfatter
Mates, thank you for your time and support! 👍
 17 August 2015, 12:02
Stephan Ryll
very nice trop. version
 17 August 2015, 17:55
Tolga Toykoc
That camo on that tiny plane? Good job!
 19 August 2015, 08:00
Gustavo Antonelli
Excellent job! Congrats!
 19 September 2015, 01:15
Dimitris Ksenos
Very nice work!!!
 19 September 2015, 01:35
Jens R.
Nice work! I like the paint job. I'm still afraid of multi color camos😄
 2 November 2015, 22:58
Paulo Teixeira
Great job. Very realistic.
 17 January 2016, 18:32
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
Nice work
 17 January 2016, 18:51
Looks well!
 17 January 2016, 19:02
Paulo Castro
Very nice model. Well done!
 25 January 2016, 04:27
Pierre-Christian Baudru
 25 January 2016, 10:05

Album info

Airfix kit # A02062. Started July 16 2015, finished five days later. Central canopy piece was missing, so I bought a second box. Hope in a replacement!

6 bilder
1:72 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7/E-7 Trop (Airfix A02062)

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