Fennek in Afghanistan
3 3 October 2012, 17:58
Jan Goormans
Dirk, very nice !!!
must have a good look at it at one of the coming events
for me from a short distance 🙂
Dirk, very nice !!!
must have a good look at it at one of the coming events
for me from a short distance 🙂
3 October 2012, 18:04
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi Dirk
Da haste aber Gas gegeben!!Wahnsinn.!!
Ich werde ihn Live in 2 wochen sehen.Freue mich schon drauf.
Gruss Markus
Hi Dirk
Da haste aber Gas gegeben!!Wahnsinn.!!
Ich werde ihn Live in 2 wochen sehen.Freue mich schon drauf.
Gruss Markus
3 October 2012, 18:06
Thorsten Drescher
WOW...geiles teil. Wahnsinn was du da draus gemacht hast. Respekt...😉
WOW...geiles teil. Wahnsinn was du da draus gemacht hast. Respekt...😉
3 October 2012, 18:10
gee, great work !!!!!
I definitely gotta take some lessons from you and Marcus
gee, great work !!!!!
I definitely gotta take some lessons from you and Marcus
3 October 2012, 18:11
Holger Kranich
Ich finde Revell sollte Dir einen job anbieten! Wahnsinns model!
Ich finde Revell sollte Dir einen job anbieten! Wahnsinns model!
3 October 2012, 18:13
Dirk Heyer
Thanks mates!
@ Jan I`ve a 20x magnifying glass...😉
@Markus: That sounds good if you will be there
@Thorsten Thx for your help
@Holger mmmmh, don`t wanna change my amazing job outdoor in th enature with an office job 🙂
Thanks mates!
@ Jan I`ve a 20x magnifying glass...😉
@Markus: That sounds good if you will be there
@Thorsten Thx for your help
@Holger mmmmh, don`t wanna change my amazing job outdoor in th enature with an office job 🙂
4 October 2012, 06:46
Wilfried Bogaerts
Another beautiful model has left the Heyer-Factory. Fantastic job Dirk, breathtaking!
Youtube Video
Another beautiful model has left the Heyer-Factory. Fantastic job Dirk, breathtaking!
Youtube Video
4 October 2012, 06:50
Harry Eder
Schaut g-e-n-i-a-l aus ! Wahnsinn ,was du mit diesem kleinen Fahrzeug angestellt hast.
Schaut g-e-n-i-a-l aus ! Wahnsinn ,was du mit diesem kleinen Fahrzeug angestellt hast.
4 October 2012, 08:32
Steve Wilson
Very nicely done Dirk, see you managed to figure the ariels out and they look perfect...
Very nicely done Dirk, see you managed to figure the ariels out and they look perfect...
4 October 2012, 08:48
Oliver Peissl
Hi Dirk,
wow fantastic your newest built!
Hope to see it live soon.
Hi Dirk,
wow fantastic your newest built!
Hope to see it live soon.
4 October 2012, 10:05
Neil Pepper
Hi just like to say what a wonderful job you have made of it and thanks for sharing it with use
Hi just like to say what a wonderful job you have made of it and thanks for sharing it with use
4 October 2012, 10:16
stefan natus
So much detail to look at we are going to hear the name heyer again at the next contest......
So much detail to look at we are going to hear the name heyer again at the next contest......
4 October 2012, 16:56
Philip De Keyser
This is deffently a price winner my mate, this is a awesome result on this little fennek, so much detail on this little guy, love your work Dirk, looking forward to see it on the contest table BSMC Lier,
Greetz Phil😉
This is deffently a price winner my mate, this is a awesome result on this little fennek, so much detail on this little guy, love your work Dirk, looking forward to see it on the contest table BSMC Lier,
Greetz Phil😉
4 October 2012, 17:18
Dirk Heyer
Thx to all mates and "girls" here on SM!!! 🙂
Saturday will be the first run in Heiden.
Thx to all mates and "girls" here on SM!!! 🙂
Saturday will be the first run in Heiden.
5 October 2012, 13:45
Stefan Fraundorfer
Hallo Dirk!
Da sieht man mal wieder, was auch in 1:72 alles möglich ist, wenn es die richtigen Hände bearbeiten. Großartig!
Hallo Dirk!
Da sieht man mal wieder, was auch in 1:72 alles möglich ist, wenn es die richtigen Hände bearbeiten. Großartig!
7 October 2012, 06:37
Frank Krause
Einfach nur.... phantastisch.....!!! Da fehlen einem die Worte der Superlative...!
Einfach nur.... phantastisch.....!!! Da fehlen einem die Worte der Superlative...!
7 October 2012, 07:00
Christian Bruer
Hi Dirk, nice to meet and talk to you at the ISSC in Heiden yesterday - and congrats and High Five to a well deserved Gold Medal for your Desterfox 😉 Cheers, Christian
Hi Dirk, nice to meet and talk to you at the ISSC in Heiden yesterday - and congrats and High Five to a well deserved Gold Medal for your Desterfox 😉 Cheers, Christian
7 October 2012, 09:25
Christian Bruer
mmhh, hnghnghng, does anybody know something about a Desterfox 😉
mmhh, hnghnghng, does anybody know something about a Desterfox 😉
7 October 2012, 09:34
Tim Vereecke
@Christian: lol
@Dirk: yes congrats, loved to look at your Fennek yesterday... congrats with the medal, well deserved!
@Christian: lol
@Dirk: yes congrats, loved to look at your Fennek yesterday... congrats with the medal, well deserved!
7 October 2012, 09:37
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Congratulations !!! I expect nothing else 🙂
Congratulations !!! I expect nothing else 🙂
7 October 2012, 10:12
Thorsten Drescher
GOLD....na das war ja auch das mindeste dafür. Glückwunsch...
GOLD....na das war ja auch das mindeste dafür. Glückwunsch...
7 October 2012, 10:41
Philip De Keyser
Hi Dirk, congrats with your Gold Medal, I expect nothing else for your fantastic Desertfox, I hope I can see this beauty at the BSMC on december the 9, greetz Phil
Hi Dirk, congrats with your Gold Medal, I expect nothing else for your fantastic Desertfox, I hope I can see this beauty at the BSMC on december the 9, greetz Phil
7 October 2012, 11:07
Vitor Costa
!!! Hello Dirk, congratulations for the work and for the Gold, that is an admirable work.
Congratulations once more 🙂
!!! Hello Dirk, congratulations for the work and for the Gold, that is an admirable work.
Congratulations once more 🙂
7 October 2012, 11:32
Dirk Heyer
Hi mates, thx all for your congratulations. Thank you very much!!!! 🙂 It is niche to be here and to share my joy with all of you........
@ Christian:
let me say. it was also a great pleasure for me to speak with you, and that I could examine some of your amazing works with some explanatory words from you.
Thank you Christian!
Greetz Dirk
Hi mates, thx all for your congratulations. Thank you very much!!!! 🙂 It is niche to be here and to share my joy with all of you........
@ Christian:
let me say. it was also a great pleasure for me to speak with you, and that I could examine some of your amazing works with some explanatory words from you.
Thank you Christian!
Greetz Dirk
7 October 2012, 11:54
Wilfried Bogaerts
As expected, a Golden Trophy for our Scalemate Dirk, congrats !!! 🙂
As expected, a Golden Trophy for our Scalemate Dirk, congrats !!! 🙂
7 October 2012, 12:36
Hallo Dirk, das Modell sieht besser aus, als das Original. Klasse von Anfang bis Ende. Gratuliere zu Gold.
Hallo Dirk, das Modell sieht besser aus, als das Original. Klasse von Anfang bis Ende. Gratuliere zu Gold.
7 October 2012, 21:01
Roland Roth
Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt! 🙂
Ein wunderbares Modell, das den ersten Platz im Wettbewerb verdient hat!
Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt! 🙂
Ein wunderbares Modell, das den ersten Platz im Wettbewerb verdient hat!
7 October 2012, 21:21
Dirk Heyer
Ah Roland, thank you!! I`m really proud if a modeller with so many built BW models tell this! THX a lot
Ah Roland, thank you!! I`m really proud if a modeller with so many built BW models tell this! THX a lot
7 October 2012, 21:30
Frank Roth
Hello Dirk, was allowed to evaluate the competition and it took not a long time to consider that your Fennek has quite clear deserved gold.
We were extremely quickly agreed.
Tolles Teil.
Hello Dirk, was allowed to evaluate the competition and it took not a long time to consider that your Fennek has quite clear deserved gold.
We were extremely quickly agreed.
Tolles Teil.
19 October 2012, 14:15
Dirk Heyer
Hi Frank,
that`s really a big surprise for me!! I`m still proud about this news!! 🙂
I know your amazing and skilful dioramas in 1:72 very well! Over some years I could examine many beauty works in Siegen, and in Heiden at the ISSC.
So it is a honour for me, if a veteran like you evaluate my model! That´s a really fantastic info!
Hope that all the other mates here on SM will see soon your amazing works like the Smashin Pumpkins Diorama and many others.
Hi Frank,
that`s really a big surprise for me!! I`m still proud about this news!! 🙂
I know your amazing and skilful dioramas in 1:72 very well! Over some years I could examine many beauty works in Siegen, and in Heiden at the ISSC.
So it is a honour for me, if a veteran like you evaluate my model! That´s a really fantastic info!
Hope that all the other mates here on SM will see soon your amazing works like the Smashin Pumpkins Diorama and many others.
21 October 2012, 12:56
Steve Wilson
Hi Dirk, Gold is the only just prize it and you deserve, well done😢
Hi Dirk, Gold is the only just prize it and you deserve, well done😢
21 October 2012, 14:56
Album info
It is done!
I'm sure this will not be the last 72 scale vehicle. Was a lot of fun to built this...
A special thank you for:
Wilfried (lenses), Steve Wilson ( aerial tipps), Plantagoo (T&T Online shop linked), Christian Nordlicht (MG3 field conversion and tipps) and Torsten Drescher (technical requests)
Many thx to you all....