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Ian Doody (Stronttydog75)

1/72 Dengar's Customized old Galactic Republic ST-70 Military Gunship


12 16 January, 08:48
Ian Doody
Back to space ships, this is my not Razor Crest, Revell 1/72. I'm building this as Dengars ship " Punishing One "
His original ship was blown up by an enraged Bossk and IG-88, at least in my head cannon, so I'm building him a new ship, based on the Old Galactic Republic ST-70 Military Gunship. I'm customizing, and adding greeblies as I go, Dengar doesn't like shiny, so this'll be rusty, chipped and very well used.
 16 January, 08:50
Lorraine Lin
 16 January, 09:49
Thomas Espe
 16 January, 16:15
Ian Doody
Engines, right side metallic undercoat. Rusting wash, metallic dry brush. Colours will be, green, dark grey, and white.
 16 January, 21:46
Ian Doody
That's the lower layers on the right side engine, before chipping, paneling and detailing. Fairly happy with the direction I going in.
 16 January, 21:47
Ian Doody
Left and right Edis systems Qu-Art B-67 engines. For my 1/72 Revell Razor Crest, built as Dengar's Customized old Galactic Republic ST-70 Military Assault Gunship "Punishing One"
Beginnings of weathering and chipping.
 17 January, 13:28

Project info

43 bilder
1:72 Razor Crest (Revell 06781)

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