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Kenneth Gifford (Biffklg)

Western Star 4964 OTR Truck


7 19 December, 03:13
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
 19 December, 03:15
Ben M
 19 December, 04:19
I was never a lover of that front bumper, but on this truck, it's actually very good. I also love the decals on this. Really old school, and classic?
I'll hang around for this one too 👍
 19 December, 23:40
Kenneth Gifford
It will have the normal bumper on it. This is being built as the otr sleeper truck. The tow box parts are all going on the Lonestar.
1  20 December, 02:31

Album info

Using the tow box for the Lonestar so I'll make a road truck with the rest.

5 bilder
1:24 Road Commander (Italeri 794)

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