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Francis Soyer (leothelowe)

Build Progress Travel Air Mystery Ship


7 29 May, 21:12
Ben M
I'm always in for a Hawk kit.
1  29 May, 22:33
Alex K
Me 2.
1  30 May, 00:06
Robert Podkoński
Me 3!
1  12 September, 20:46
Ben M
The pilot figure appears to be identical to the one in the hawk bearcat kit
1  18 December, 17:10
Ben M
very nice work replacing the missing wing part
1  18 December, 17:14

Project info

20 bilder
1:48 1929 Travel Air Mystery Ship (Testors Hawk 916)
Travel Air Mystery Ship
US National Air Races
R614K-31 (Doug Davis)
1929 Winner, Free-For-All speed competition
Red & Black

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