U.S. Jeep 1/4 ton 4X4 Truck Willys MB
1 1 August 2019, 16:00

I think a good idea would be to make this one diorama, that you could use for any model. 🙂 Then, a country road diorama could be used for most models.
The dust effect looks nice I think. I wonder if there is an easy trick to put some beard stubs on figures.
1 August 2019, 16:09

Im a rookie! Im just starting and I see dioramas far away from my capabilities!
1 August 2019, 16:43

Overall look of this very old kit is good. I also like the dirt and rust effect.
1 August 2019, 20:03

excellent job on the kit. great paint job... only think i would change, is the eyes of the troops... they look a bit as they were on drugs😉 i am not good at painting figures (not good at all), but i remember reading that you can paint the iris closer to the top, to avoid that (half a circle, on the top of the eye, rather than black spot in the center)
1 August 2019, 21:44

Neuling I dont have dark brown pigment for the mud so I used instead track rust pigment!
2 August 2019, 14:27

Spanjaard primera vez que pintaba los ojos, y desconozco las tecnicas, gracias por el consejo, pero igualmente lo veo dificil de conseguir, me parece todo muy pequeno y yo con el pulso malo! saludos!
2 August 2019, 14:35

you can also use decals😉 there is (or was) some available. good thing of them, is that you can move them if not in the right spot😉
6 August 2019, 06:06

Neste caso eu concordo com Spanjaard, um ótimo trabalho no veiculo e atrelado. 👍
Mas os olhos...😎
O que eu fiz, desde os figurinos que estão no meu Tigre I, foi deixar de pintar os olhos há escala 1/35, há muitos e bons modelistas que também não o fazem em vários tutoriais na net. e o resultado deles é ótimo.
Outros especialistas aconselham a não utilizar o branco e o preto mas sim tons pele claro e azuis.😉
30 September 2020, 21:48