Dassault Rafale C Hobby Boss
February 9, 2016doing some mess inside the plane with plastic card, putty and epoxi2
February 9, 2016I built this shape inside to simulate the intakes and block the view from outside to inside the plane3
February 9, 2016i still have to model the uper part to close completly the view, but you guys got the idea.... walls in the right intake have been thinned down4
February 9, 2016I'm looking to reproduce this "ramp" efect that exists in the real one, I like deep intakes in my models, note that the compressor blades of the engine are not visible, also I'm thinning down the walls to look more like this, the kit ones are quite thick!5
February 20, 2016Various bits and pieces primed with Mr. Surfacer 1000, thinned with tamiya lacquer, interior parts are primed in AK interactive black primer6
February 20, 2016Mr Surfacer give a very nice satin finish, but is extremely smelly, Ak interactive primer isn't very strong, it chips and scratch easily, I use for the interior only, I have faced some pealing off the final paint when I tryed to mask for postshading, T_T7
February 21, 2016Painted with tamiya X-1 gloss black8
February 21, 2016I want to make a good base for the white color9
February 21, 2016Also this one will have one shine NMF warhead, I´m not very happy with this "texture" in the paint, it shouldn´t be there... :-/10
February 27, 2016The intake dummy is complete ^_^11
February 27, 2016That's the effect I've been looking for! the "ramp" solved the see trough problem nicely.12
February 27, 2016I have to thin down the walls in this little intakes .13
February 27, 2016Done! for this scale, as much as you can thin down the things the better it looks, it will never be thin enough...14
February 27, 2016Various parts painted today, with Vallejo and Revell acrylics15
February 27, 2016Wash on the gear well, I realised too late that I painted the seat wrong, the french ejection seat does not have this green color, it was supposed to be black, but there will be a pilot over it so I will not change.16
February 27, 2016The kit have nice details in the cockpit, but to use the provided decals you have to sand them down, so I decided to cut minutes bits and place it in key points, than I handpainted the rest.17
February 27, 2016I love this little things, once closed in the plane, most of it is not going to be seen again T_T18
February 28, 2016I couldn't resist to dryfit alltogether to see how it is going to look like, I still have to finish this tomcat... T_T19
February 28, 2016I will have to be careful wen closin this plane, the gap behind the intake will require some "magic"20
February 28, 2016not much of the cockpit detail or the instrument panel will be visible, specialy because I will use one figure inside, as I have no seatbelts for this one. at least the canopy is very clear, very little distortion, I´m not sure if I have to tint it....21
February 28, 2016panel lines and rivets look a bit overdone for this scale, but I will not change it22
March 25, 2016doing this micrometric masking on such small wheels had burned my eyes today, but I had to do it anyway for the sake of the result....23
March 25, 2016I just love the efect that this technic result! ready for wash and small touch ups....24
March 25, 2016carefuly reproducing the rivets in the exhaust25
March 25, 2016all primed and ready to go, the center pilon was modified based on some reference pictures to hold the ASMPA26
March 25, 2016for the primer I am using Mr. Surfacer 1000 thinned with tamiya lacquer thinner, this provide to me the best results, very strong primer! I have modifyed the outher wing pylons (seems to be a popular modification among rafale modelers)27
April 10, 2016After some break I did some more work in the Rafale, simple pre shading with tamiya xf-1728
April 10, 2016Main collor is done witthe closest match that I could find in my stash: model air 71.050 from Vallejo29
April 10, 2016The tactical nuclear missile are ready, painted and decaled.30
April 10, 2016Decals for this plane are going to be from aftermarket, Syhart .31
April 20, 2016Decaling on the way! I'm going to be using aftermarket from company syhart ones since the kit ones are not accurate and is lacking many stencils, the point is the stencils are very low visibility being very close to airplane's color.32
April 20, 2016I have been trough many things in personal life that are slowing my progress, but I'll try to finish as good as l can.33
April 21, 2016The decaling continues, I did the scalp missile but I believe that I'm not going to use it, there are tons and tons of microscopic stencils in this Syhart set, and I'm willing to use them all!34
June 5, 2016Tamiya panelline wash on, all nice and dirty!35
June 19, 2016I have done some wiring and scratch build in the gear legs, here I have just aplyed wash36
June 19, 2016the efect of the landing lights are very nice, I like it a lot!37
June 19, 2016all in position, landing gears are done!38
June 19, 2016I brush painted it using Vallejo metalizers dark aluminium and dull aluminium39
June 19, 2016the instructions of this model tell me that I have to assemble the main gear struts BEFORE glue the wheel well in place, later I realized why, in the way it was designed you can´t put the struts for the outside... so I had to operate some modifications..40
June 19, 2016after the surgery, a lot of test fitting, I used superglue and now it is correct, aligned and ready to go, nice wen you see your baby on its own legs for the first time! ^_^ (behind is my new project, the dragon Hellcat, will be adding it here soon)41
June 19, 2016very happy with the way it is turning out!42
June 19, 2016Some more steps to go: semigloss varnish, some pigments, mask and paint the walkways, more decals to go on the air to air missiles, some more details to brush paint here and there, before call this one done, we are getting there!43
June 25, 2016here I sharped up one piece of sprue and putted under the nose to see if I can fix something that was bothering me a lot! the rounded shape of the noose44
June 26, 2016and that´s how it looks withoud the point, wich one is better?45
June 26, 2016that´s one sample of the real one, and that´s how it is supposed to look46
June 25, 2016first I putted the bit of sprue in the dreemel and start to turn it over a File47
June 25, 2016using a drill bit, I turned the piece of sprue onto it to create one hole48
June 25, 2016that´s it49
June 25, 2016here I cutted the bit off one pin to place it in that hole and have one strong point50
June 25, 2016with a lot of superglue around, after all was dried I start to spin it over some finer sand stick51
June 25, 2016here are my options: I can either use the metalic point one or the pure plastic52
June 25, 2016here the noose was cutted and the parts was glued together, than I used mr surfacer 1000 all around, I think that will fix the shape problem and make it looks pointier as a proper French noose ^_^53
June 25, 2016here I will use the masks on the decal package to create the anti slip patches over the paint, here we can see also the result of our plastic surgery in the noose! very happy with that! looks like the reference pictures now!54
June 25, 2016masks in place, they don´t aline 100% with panel lines but it is not very visible, it is just one touch lighter and very matt surface so I will not bother myself changing it55
June 25, 2016by using tamiya flat coat XF-86 I created the efect that is only visible catching the light, just like the real one!56
June 25, 2016Load out all done57
June 26, 2016here a better view from the pointier noose, canopy masks removed; I bought this set of sensor lenses efect that was designed for gundam 1/144 , gess what...58
June 26, 2016it just fitted perfectly using the pre-cutted smaller one! how cool is that? now I cutted off the point of the refueling probe, it was bothering me by the lack of definition, I'm waiting now the Mr. Postman to bring me the MasterModel replacement for it.59
November 3, 2016and that´s how it ends... as I was preparing to attend to one modelers meeting, I prepared the display carefully and left over the bed for me to take later, after deliver my son to school, I returned to my building to see my wife bringing the model....60
November 3, 2016She gave the case to my daughter 8 year olf to hold and than when going downstair, she droped the box, and my models fell in between the stairs, from more than 3 meters high... that´s the result... my heart is broken, I´m thinking in leave the hobby...61
November 4, 2016Fixing the disaster, landings are drying62
November 4, 2016Shaping the replacement for the noose cone63
November 20, 2016The repared nose after glue the replacement point I brushed Mr. Surfacer and carefully sanded it paying attention to not damage the edge64
November 20, 2016I masked all and it's ready for priming with diluted Mr.Surfacer65
November 20, 2016And after redoing the wash and glue the hanging stuff, it's back in one piece, not without some scars but I'm glad I didn't gave up, the most complicated was the nose and the landing gear, fortunately the canopy survived without a scratch, watta relief!66
May 21, 2017continuing with the series: Taken decent pictures of my models, now it´s time for the Rafalle, with was finished, broked and restored67
May 21, 2017As the fit of the canopy was good enough, I just added a bit of plasticard to the tabs to fill some gap and left that unglued (I used blue tac to hold in place during the panting stage) interestingly I can position it opened that the tabs hold, love it!68
May 21, 2017I also haven´t glued the canards so I can also position it as I want.69
May 21, 2017the sensor sticker shine in diferent colors as the angle change.70
May 21, 2017the sensor lens here looks orange, the plastic probe was replaced by Master Model metal one71
May 21, 2017landing gears and payload72
May 21, 2017detail of the landing gear in the front, I´m happy that I didn´t gave up on the pinty edge of the cone.73
May 21, 2017Another view of the underside, it is hard to detect but getting close is possible to see loads and loads of tinny low viz decals and stencils all over the place74
May 21, 2017front view of the baby, the glass landing lights showing good here75
May 21, 2017underside76
May 21, 2017tires showing the fake tread masked and painted, I'm very happy with the air intake solution for the see trough, it realy works!77
May 21, 2017front view, after the rebuild the alignment looks not too bad, the canards are movable, here one is straight and the other a bit twisted78
May 21, 2017refueling probe from master model is one exelent detail to add, canopy from Hobby bos is exelent,79
May 21, 201780
May 21, 2017By trying to frame the details in the cockpit area for you guys I located one missing fur from my cat on the pilot... :-/81
May 21, 2017another view from my cat´s fur, with the pilot behind!82
May 21, 2017Showing some dirty in places83
May 21, 2017if it was today, I would have tryied to make the navigation lights out of transparent plastic, resin or epoxi... they don't look nice painted, it's the weak point of the model in my opinion.84
May 21, 2017the exhaust original from the kit, looks ok, I haven't found any replacement aftermarket for it85
May 21, 201786
May 21, 201787
May 21, 201788
May 21, 201789
May 21, 2017And that´s the end, I hope you've enjoyed!
14 March 2025, 18:14 -
Album info
I will build this one with some scratch building in the intakes and one special payload.