Tamiya Sd.Kfz.251/9 Kanonenwagen Bekijk: Diavoorstelling Mozaïek Lijst 1 May 29, 2014
the necessary players are assembled
2 May 29, 2014
some metal goodies
3 4 May 29, 2014
AFV plastic bits - quite nice
5 May 29, 2014
rubber tracks are nice, way better than Tamiya's!
6 May 29, 2014
Decals sourced from the kit as well as extras from Dragon, AFV & Italeri
7 May 29, 2014
AFV bits before sanding
8 9 May 29, 2014
hmmm....not exactly level!
10 May 29, 2014
cleaned and sanded
11 May 29, 2014
bonnet plug will need screw holes
12 May 29, 2014
gnarly and quite visible ejector marks
13 May 29, 2014
putty is added
14 May 29, 2014
...sanded and filled
15 May 30, 2014
post clean up
16 May 30, 2014
the AFV resin will be epoxied
17 May 30, 2014
left to dry overnight - note gap at rear
18 May 30, 2014
the kit "handles" were replaced with thick foil
19 May 30, 2014
my attempt at adding latches to the ammo box
20 May 30, 2014
..a little crude but not super visible in the end...
21 May 30, 2014
right fender made with wine bottle foil..
22 May 30, 2014
the AFV wheels needed some encouragement to stay together!
23 May 30, 2014
small bits can be made while waiting!
24 May 31, 2014
the AFV resin needs to be sanded flush
25 June 1, 2014
the "valves" are added
26 June 1, 2014
heavy foil for strapping
27 28 June 1, 2014
field-improvised jerry can rack
29 June 2, 2014
initial filling & sanding
30 June 2, 2014
added fender details, some spare Academy 75 mm shells
31 June 2, 2014
Eduard mudguard/license plates
32 September 10, 2014
using this delightful giftbox lid and some old Tamiya bricks for a base
33 September 10, 2014
salvaged brick wall and stir sticks with grey basecoat and red brown
34 September 10, 2014
drybrushing, washes to come...and some added hinge detail, etc
35 September 11, 2014
prelim washes and drybrushing
36 September 11, 2014
French war bonds posters..must have been here a while!
37 September 14, 2014
more of the slow progress...panzer grey primer on the stonework
38 September 14, 2014
the bricks are almost done 😛
39 September 15, 2014
some scrap metal pieces added...
40 September 15, 2014
...prelim coat of steel & rust - before rust filters and washes.
41 September 16, 2014
large sliding door in base rust coat
42 September 16, 2014
test fiting the 'track
43 September 16, 2014
a little overexposed..the base colours for the stonework.
44 45 46 47 Opmerkingen 4 February 2025, 18:04 -
Album info This will be my first build log in a photo album. I am using the older Tamiya kit # 35147, the Sd.Kfz.251/9 so-called "Kanonenwagen". In addition I am using bits of the Eduard PE set for the 251/1, and the AFV club "Whells and Tracks". (someone should really get an English proofreader! - AFV I am talkin' to you!). I also have a few little bits and bobs from the spares box like some Dragon halftrack bits, a few US jerrycans as well as some German ones, and a couple of tools from the Italeri workshop set.
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