Build DiaryBekijk: Diavoorstelling Mozaïek Lijst 1December 17, 202412/2/24 Beginning the long (but very important) process of filling in the extraneous panel lines. After filling I plan to spray a fine surfacer to really get any missed gaps. 2December 17, 2024Saucer Fill 1/3 While the lines are quite shallow and not too deep they still will be too distracting from the overall smooth look. 3December 17, 2024Saucer Fill 2/3 This Valejo fill putty is very forgiving and quite manageable to work with. 4December 17, 2024Saucer Fill 3/3 Keeping the rings that were underneath the saucer as well while still filling the extra lines. Opmerkingen6 March 2025, 12:05 - Album infoA digital record of my build from start to finish.NCC-1701 U.S.S. Enterprise4 afbeeldingen1:600In de wachtrijNCC-1701 U.S.S. Enterprise StarfleetNCC-1701 Alle albumsBekijk alle albums »