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1:43 Pegaso Z 102

Timeline for Jal 43 (KR71) Pegaso Z102BS #0142 "El Dominicano"

Carrera Panamericana´54 #10 Palacio Pover/Fernandez

Full history

Andre Marie Ruf
Missing info
Pegaso Z 102 (Provence Moulage K481) Pegaso Z102 (Provence Moulage K665) Pegaso Z102BS #0142 (Provence Moulage K756) Pegaso Z102 (Tin Wizard TW136) Pegaso Z 102 Coupe (Metal 43 M43 213) Pegaso Z102 Coupe (Esdo 110) Pegaso Z102 Spyder Touring Tibidabo (Jal 43 KR58) Pegaso Z102BS #0142 "El Dominicano" (Jal 43 KR71) Pegaso Z 102B (Plumbies IS13)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.