African Union T-55A (Rye Field Model)
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Beautiful kit, had such a good time building it.
Tamiya Dark Sea Grey for primer
Highlighted with AK Real Color White Grey - RAL9002
Then fine details picked with Vallejo Insignia White
Afterwards very light coats of Tamiya X-2 White diluted with few drops of Mr. Retarder Mild
Paint job coated with Tamiya Clear, then Abteilung Black wash applied.
Scratches and chips added using toothpick using Tamiya Dark Iron color
DSPIAE circular cutter used to create masks for road wheels and lights.
Alclad Gloss Balck Base, followed by coat of Alclad Aluminum, washed with wash created using Abteilung Black.
Then a mix of Vallejo Matt Varnish and VMS Red Earth pigments was used to create mud stuffing on tracks.
Gun mantlet:
Nato Black base, Vallejo Insignia White for edge highlights, then sprayed a mix of Tamiya Khaki and Tamiya Desert Yellow.
Alclad Gloss Black Base, then a mix of Gloss Black and Alclad Dark Aluminum used to create Gun Metal color, sprayed very lightly on Dshk and ammo cases.