Neuspinneビュー: スライドショー モザイク リスト 1January 30, 2022I got some inspiration when I heard there are spider excavators. This Neuspinne will be on a recon mission on Alps. 2January 30, 2022Back of the box 3January 30, 2022Checking the size and needed area. Parts are hold with blue tack. 4January 30, 2022Drilling holes for new axles. The kit could be built as it is, but there are 0.5mm steel rods in the kit in case open legs are preferred. I just also want that the joints are movable. 5January 30, 2022My attempt to organize and specify the legs. 6January 30, 2022First leg cut and sawn down. 7January 30, 20220.5mm holes drilled into the parts. 8January 30, 2022 9January 30, 2022Drilling is very challenging. 10January 30, 2022First leg completed. 11January 30, 2022 12January 30, 2022My new saw is narrow enough for this. 13January 30, 2022Glued a strip of styrene on the main body to fix one detail. 14January 30, 2022Styrene cut and sanded off. 15January 30, 2022More legs coming up. 16January 30, 2022I printed the postures of the legs derived from my 3D-model made with SketchUp. 17January 30, 2022All joints locked with epoxy glue. 18January 30, 2022Main body constructed. 19January 30, 2022Right manipulator hand mostly constructed. 20January 30, 2022Left arm gun ready for painting or I should consider adding more details. 21February 1, 2022Head is constructed. 22February 1, 2022I wanted to add that little brass plate to highlight that hatch. 23February 1, 2022First Mr.Surfacer 1000 and then Vallejo's black primer. 24February 6, 2022The stand is coming up. 25February 6, 2022I decided that my diorama needs an alpine ibex so I got a goat in 1/72 scale. The bigger horns are made of green stuff. 26February 6, 2022I'm trying to make an improvised camo with brown and green triangles. 27February 6, 2022Such bad luck. I cleaned the parts and the first primer was mr.surfacer, but still one mask tape teared paint. 28February 8, 2022Two sheets of 6mm depron foam (used for rc planes) glued on the stand with PU-glue. 29February 13, 2022Neuspinne's parts are painted and few parts got clear varnish and decals. 30February 13, 2022I wanted to add that QR-code decal included in the kit, but it is quite big for this and a bit silly... It is a working code that reads "Neuspinne". 31February 13, 2022I had to test my carving abilities to see if I could make a believable mountain cliff. The ibex got primed and some brown. 32February 20, 2022I finally dared to start carving. 33February 20, 2022Mountain cliff mostly carved. Some stone/sand paste added after this. 34February 20, 2022Legs glued to the frame while positioned on the stand. 35February 24, 2022 36February 24, 2022 37March 2, 2022The stand is almost finished. My first time adding any loose grass and bushes. 38March 2, 2022I want to call ibex ready. 39March 2, 2022Weathering still ongoing. 40March 2, 2022 41March 7, 2022The weathering is done and so is the matt varnish applied too. Just final assembly and the model is soon ready. Maybe tomorrow. 42March 8, 2022Neuspinne is now finished! Here a "mood picture". 43March 8, 2022 44March 8, 2022 45March 8, 2022 46March 8, 2022 47March 8, 2022There is nothing back of the stand. 48March 8, 2022 49March 8, 2022 50March 8, 2022 51March 8, 2022Curved QR-code might be impossible to read... 52March 8, 2022With black background like my other Ma.K models. 53March 8, 2022 54March 8, 2022too blurry image 🙁 55March 8, 2022The yellow stripe on the leg was added later for a reason... 56March 8, 2022 57March 8, 2022 コメント12 January 2025, 10:58 - Project infoNeuspinne57 画像1:76完成すべてのアルバムすべてのアルバムを見る »