I'm not sure which is the best way, should I paint wheels and hubs and tracks before assembly or simply put all together and care about painting later?
That's it for today, the left side is done, still have the other side to do, but I think it turns out nicely with the tracks looking natural, I haven't glued the wheels as I internet to remove the entire thing together to paint and weather
here we can see the original cannon barrel from the kit, the track and wheels are glued already in the shape so it will make my life easyer when it comes to paint and weather the hole thing
here all the parts, I am painted the exhaust in separate, will glue it after the base paint and decaling is done, the machine gun also is separate, haven´t done it yet.
doing some modulation with Blaugrau 79, the wheels on the right received the lighter tone sprayed from the top, you can compare the efect with the one in the right
I like the way Revell paint behave, they brush paint very well and is very smoth trough the airbrush, as long as you get use to it, I thin it down with Vallejo airbrush thinner with no problems at all.
Loving the model so far, now brush paint the tracks and details, put decals on drybrush all, maybe do some sponge chipping, wash and prepare for winter camo...
Tracks and small details all painted, decals on, I think I´ll live the wash, chipping and striking to do after the winter cammo, I decided to go for a washable white.
for the traks I painted the base color one light brown from vallejo, than washed with tamiya dark brown pannel line accent, than I brushed revell rust pigment and in the end used pencil graphite HB to drybrush the shinny edges, looking good to me.
The model was giving one coat of future gloss to seal de decals and protect the model to ne next step: the winter cammo, but I´m afraid that the tracks lost a bit of the nice efect of the pigments and HB pencil, well, that´s my first time...
I will use this base from one diecast Elefant that came with one magazine as a display for my model, this also may be a chance for me to use some soldiers from revell that I had for a long time.
the model hhere after the dark oil wash, it is looking too dark now, I hope that one flat clear coat, and some light pigments can bring the winter camo back a bit, definitly it will hepl to contrast with snow wash that will be the next step
I have a bunch of plastic soldiers, I can use some more here, Don´t know if I am overdoing it... I plan to do some mud with grass, maybe some bushes here or there, and snow from Krycell snow and ice.
maybe the model looking too dark after the oil wash is not a bad thing, it will contrast beautifully with the snow wash from Krycell, that´s what I hope at least...
ok, Trying something else: mud, I am using mat clearcoat from revell as glue and revell pigment dark brown and another lighter pigment tone that I did sanding and scraping down one of my old pastel chalk
a lot of my previous steps was covered by the mud, so maybe this procedures make sense in the bigger scale, but for 1/72 I could have just moved on to this step and saved time.
this side is looking cleaner than the other, later I came up with a bit more dirt inside, using Revell Mat Clearcoat as glue turned up living some "frosting" white marks in some areas, it blends well with my winter cammo but I have to keep it in mind.
here I started to prepare the paint for the base and I have done the snow wash from Krycell ice and snow, wen I was aplying I could now imagine how white it whould look once is dry, it certainly looks like snow to me but I´m affraid to have overdone it.
I will try to remove some of this snow and do some wet efects here and there to try to blend more maybe some oil and fuel leaks and stains here and there to dark it up a bit back...
13 January 2025, 00:39 -
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As I was looking at my stash I saw this kit there forgoten, it look simple to do so I decided to give it a go, my first tank, a little one, let´s see what I can du with that, I know no much about tanks but it looks like fun to make...