ガンダムモデリングデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Eduardo Arguijo (seth9229)

C-160 transal


6 3 January 2014, 01:08
Eduardo Arguijo
not currently working on it, but the intirior is allmost ready for paint. I used plastic plate, evergreen plastic strips, and aluminum foil.
 3 January 2014, 03:05
Lionel Marco

Nice start.
I hope you will resume this project soon...

 3 January 2014, 06:24
Eduardo Arguijo
what stopped me was that I haven´t decided which paint to use for the interior, it is kind of a pale beige with a tint of yellow.... If any one can advice? I will be thankfull.
 3 January 2014, 15:31
Lionel Marco

Maybe the pictures of this article could be usefull?
 3 January 2014, 17:06
Eduardo Arguijo
thanks Lionel, I am thinking of doing it German, but in the end, I think it really doesnt matter if the colors realy match. I will keep this project as soon I finish The X-planes projet I am in.
 3 January 2014, 19:55
This looks really interesting, would love to see you spending some time on this. Well done so far!
 20 October 2022, 07:12
Eduardo Arguijo
you are right, this is one project I hd relented for a long time
 20 October 2022, 14:30

Project info

24 画像
1:72 C-160 Transall EloKa/NG (Revell 04675)


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