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Xu Ho (Etnf2)

Album (34)

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26 immagini
ZTZ99-I & 99-II MBT HobbyBoss 1:35 View album, image #11
1:35 ZTZ 99A MBT (HobbyBoss 82439)1:35 ZTZ 99 MBT (HobbyBoss 82438)
10 immagini
The Aces - The 50th anniversary of the Vietnam WarView album, image #10
First one is complete. A good start.
1:72 MiG-21MF Fighter-Bomber (Eduard 70142)1:72 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F 'Fresco' (Shenyang J-5) (Airfix A03091)1:72 F-4D (Fine Molds FP47S)1+
13 immagini
Tiger II HobbyBoss | No. 84533 | 1:35 Girls und PanzerView album, image #1
This Tiger II Late type is from HobbyBoss, upgrade with metal tracks, fan made figures and aftermarket decals.
1:35 Tiger II (HobbyBoss 84533)
5 immagini
M3 Lee Medium Tank Olive/Pink Girls und PanzerView album, image #5
In the image, it can be seen that the two brands' model kits exhibit noticeable differences in the representation of cas...
1:35 M3 Lee Medium Tank (I Love Kit 63521)1:35 Rabbit Team (Platz GPF-13)1:35 M3 Lee (Takom 2085)1+
9 immagini
Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger(P) Amusing Hobby | No. 35A023 Girls und PanzerView album, image #1
I add a bit of blue in the Tamiya German Grey. CM technique with some sand color weathering.
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger(P) (Amusing Hobby 35A023)1:35 Leopon San Team Figure Set (Platz GPF-27)1:35 Leopon San Team (Platz GPF-4)
8 immagini
T-34/85 Model 1944 No.174 Factory & KlaraView album, image #1
1:35 T-34/85 Model 1944 No.174 Factory (Rye Field Model RM-5040)1:35 Klara (Modelkasten )
5 immagini
USN F/A-18F "VFA-103 Jolly Rogers" MCP Academy | No. 12535 | 1:72View album, image #2
1:72 USN F/A-18F "VFA-103 Jolly Rogers" (Academy 12535)

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1 immagini
MyAlbumView album, image #1