gundam modeling database | gestore della mia scorta
Gareth Lloyd (Squack)

Revell Imperial Star Destroyer

Album image #1
As I've got a 3d printer (Elegoo Mars 2 Pro), I bought the upgrades from Mos Eisley Modelworks as STL files so first job was to print them out.

Album image #2
Got the tools out and took a deep breath then hacked away 😄 Nice hole ready for the docking bay...... 

Album image #3
Then fitted it along with the dome on the bottom. 

Album image #4
Added the nose section on which left a bit of a gap that'll need filling. 

Album image #5
Masked then used plastic putty and cleaned up with damp cotton buds. 

Album image #6
And filled, that's better. 

Album image #7
Fitted the sidewalls to the bottom. 

Album image #8
So the bottom is complete 

Album image #9
Built up the superstructure on the top as far as I could. This needs to stay open for the support on assembly of the top to the bottom but I want to paint in sections rather than a full assembly. 

Album image #10
Top compete as far as I want to do. 

Album image #11
More cutting, this time for the garbage chute. What I didn't notice was the hole I marked up was pretty close to the instructions but the printed chute didn't fit. Word to the wise - stop at that point and don't keep filing like I did as I ended up making the sides so thin they broke apart and the chute still didn't fit very well so it must have been printed oversize (by me so I'm to blame). I should have stopped and re-printed the chute. Hindsight is a wonderful thing 😄 

Album image #12
Squeezed everything together but there's definitely some fit issues and gaps - a bit of a mess. Thankfully it's "around the back" so I'm going to see what it's like after paint. 

Album image #13
Last bit of cutting for the shield generators so taped up and got the saw out. 

Album image #14
And cut 🙂 

Album image #15
Shield generators fitted 

Album image #16
Top of the superstructure and bridge assembled. 

Album image #17
Lastly the engine end and stands assembled as far as I want. 

Album image #18
One desk full ! ready for primer. 

Album image #19
Although I've got another fit issue 😄 

Album image #20
Stands primed with Mig One-Shot Black Primer.  

Album image #21
Top and Bottom primed with Vallejo Ghost Grey Primer (74.615) 

Album image #22
Bridge assembly primed as well. 

Album image #23
Engine section primed and then painted with Vallejo Air Insignia White (71.279). Engine bells painted Pale Burnt Metal (Vallejo Metal Color 77.704). All sealed in with Tamiya Gloss TS-13  

Album image #24
White parts get a light grey wash (Vallejo 76.515) and the engine bells get a wash with Tamiya Smoke (X-19). Think I'll leave the bells glossy but matt coat the rest then glue it all together. 

Album image #25
Engines matt coated then the whole thing assembled and complete 🙂 

Album image #26
The start of masking. Plan is to keep parallel with the panel lines but create some random interest left in grey after the top coat. Likely to need a mist coat to blend but this stage is going to take a while! It's a big old kit 😄 

Album image #27
Halfway there, I need a break! 😄 

Album image #28
Nearly done 

Album image #29
Bottom masking complete! 

Album image #30
Close up photos (I'm going to need these to find all the masking after the base coat 😄) ..... the aft of the bottom 

Album image #31
Moving forward, around the dome 

Album image #32
The middle section  

Album image #33
Finally the nose of the bottom.
Just the top and the bridge section to go 😄 

Album image #34
The masking continues with the bridge section. 

Album image #35
Close up of the top of the bridge so I can find them later 😄 

Album image #36
Bridge left 

Album image #37
Bridge right 

Album image #38
Halfway there on the top. 

Album image #39
Masking compete on the top 🙂 

Album image #40
Close ups (again!). Top nose section 

Album image #41
Moving aft to the middle section. 

Album image #42
Finally the aft. 

Album image #43
Masking all done ready for paint 😄 

Album image #44
Bridge is painted and the masking has been removed. The earlier photos came in handy to find them all 😄 

Album image #45
Mist coat applied. The photo doesn't really show the contrast properly, it's better in 'real life'. Gave the effect I was after so happy with that. On to the big bits! 

Album image #46
Bottom painted and masking removed 

Album image #47
In a bit more detail. It took around three to four hours to put the masking on but less than an hour to remove it. I'm glad I took pictures as I would never have found them all 😄  

Album image #48
Bottom has had it's mist coat. 

Album image #49
Closeup detail so you can see the effects of the masking. 

Album image #50
Top has also had it's mist coat. 

Album image #51
Another closeup for the effects in better detail. 

Album image #52
While the top and bottom were drying, the bridge had a gloss coat some very small additions of light grey wash, more on the bridge and the sides of the superstructure to give it a bit of depth then finally matt coated. That's the bridge done. 

Album image #53
Top and bottom get a gloss coat a very selective light grey wash, just the greebly bits concentrated on those and the sidewalls. All matt coated so ready for assembly. 

Album image #54
First the engines are glued onto the bottom. I used tape to pull everything together while the glue dried as the bottom wanted to spread more than the angle of the engine section. It all needed to be clamped to keep it in line. 

Album image #55
Once the engine section glue was dry, the top went on and again, held it in position using tape. 

Album image #56
Finally the bridge so that's it complete 😄 I'll get the plain background out later and take some better shots (without tape 😉) 

Album image #57
Album image #58
Album image #59
Album image #60
Album image #61
Album image #62
Album image #63
Album image #64
Album image #65
Album image #66

Album image #67
Album image #68
Album image #69
Here's all the Star Destroyers I've build, so 1:2700, 1:5000 and 1:14500 scales 

Album image #70
Finally with his "older brother" a Venator Class Republic Star Destroyer in the same scale. 


8 October 2024, 07:02 -

Album info

I've got a week off work so time to tackle a big project. And it is big, I may need a bigger desk for this one 😄

70 immagini
1:2700 Imperial Star Destroyer (Revell 06719)1:2700 Star Destroyer Upgrade Pack (Mos Eisley Modelworks ZSD27)

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