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MS-04 Bugu (Ramba Ral)


3 1 May 2021, 07:08
So I've never done waterslide decals before, and I'd kind of been saving this guy just for that since it seemed relatively straightforward. Once I got the swing of things, yeah, it was rather fun. Next up is going to be a clearcoat followed by a bit of paint to add in just a few extra little details such as pinstriping here and there, but also a tiny bit of weathering as well.
 31 August 2021, 03:44

Project info

6 immagini
In corso
1:144 MS-04 Bugu (Ramba Ral) (Bandai Spirits 5057735)No VC Dome 3 Pink M 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0mm (5pcs Each, 20pcs) (HIQPARTS VCD3-PIN-M)1:144 Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Multiuse 3 (Bandai 2421014)1:144 Action Base 5 Black (Bandai 0223031)

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