Finished Super Hornet
7 March 2025, 03:02 -
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Here is the outside shots I took of the F/A-18E Super Hornet. I went with the dirty but not (hopefully) too dirty look. This was done with preshading and oil weathering after the color went on.
The kit went together mostly well. There is a bad seem line I tried to fill in the LEX underside as well as around the nose cone. I didn't do it perfect but getting better.
I removed the seem line in the canopy with light sanding then polishing with toothpaste and floor polish. Finally I modified the tail rudders to angle in as it would be on the flight line. I didn't do the flaps as imo too much work.
Overall I'm really happy with it and thought it came together well. Few minor problems that I know to fix in the future.