T-14 ArmataVista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1March 25, 2020basic hull construction, almost ready for paint 2March 25, 2020basic hull construction, almost ready for paint 3March 25, 2020Bar armor attachment points... some pieces to add, but first I have to solder the bar armor 4April 2, 2020Hull basket needs some reinforcement bars: so first some flux where they need to be positioned 5April 2, 2020then some solder 6April 2, 2020and first rod into place, excess material can easily be removed by scalpel. A plier gives a slanted edge, so that's not good 7April 2, 2020and so on 8April 2, 2020ready to bend 9April 2, 2020also a lot of slat-armor on this one. Tried presoldering on this one, but by heating the material expands, so I cut one side open... 10April 2, 2020then the first parts in the jig, the separate one is just for support 11April 2, 2020First side-bar in place 12April 2, 2020and the second one too. End of the jig 😉 13April 2, 2020Next pieces 14April 2, 2020 15April 2, 2020 16April 2, 2020 17April 2, 2020All complete Commenti10 January 2025, 21:36 - Project infoModern Russian150 immagini1:72In corso1+Tutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »