database di modellazione gundam | gestore della mia scorta
Uwe Kaeding
Uwe Kaeding

Arado Ar-190


9 January 2025, 12:05 -

Album info

This is the EFSR (European Foundation for Scientific Research) Ar-190 floatplane from the Tintin book The Shooting Star. Its based on the Revell 172 kit with an Eduard photo-etch set and a Quickboost cowling. As it is meant to be a civillian aircraft I've also tried to demilitarise it by getting rid of hard points and guns.

28 immagini
1:72 Arado Ar 196 A-3 (Revell 03994)1:72 Ar 196A (Eduard 72262)1:72 AR 196 - Correct Cowling (Quickboost QB 72 395)1:72 The Aircraft of Tintin - Part 4 (Blue Rider CD-005)

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