ESCI VX-4 F-4J Phantom "White Rabbit"Vista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1February 22, 2018Kinda hope it sort of looks like this when I'm done! 2February 22, 2018I received the kit with the intakes already poorly attached. 3February 22, 2018Cut out the aft section to install some slightly more realistic spare Hasegawa burner cans. 4February 22, 2018The wing top & bottoms were also assembled poorly by the previous owner. Took lots of work to get them somewhat acceptable! 5February 22, 2018Test fit of a Monogram tub. 6February 22, 2018The beginning of the modifications of a Monogram cockpit tub & spare Academy instrument panels. 7February 22, 2018Still need to fabricate a rear cockpit right side bulkhead. Commenti10 January 2025, 22:09 - Album infoThe mirror opposite of VX-4's "Black Bunny"? 😉VX-4 F-4J Phantom "White Rabbit"7 immagini1:48In corsoTutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »