Puma WIP
2 10 February 2018, 20:50

Thanks! It's packed up for a cross country move but I hope to get a light box once we arrive!
15 April 2018, 23:41

Thanks again for the comments Jonathan! If I recall, I turned it down a little lower than usual, maybe 10-12psi instead of 13-15psi that I normally spray, and then got in very close with the airbrush. The paint was Vallejo's Model Air with a 10% thinner and a drop or two or flow improver. It is a little thicker than the "skim milk" consistency people talk of. So I did have to clean the tip with a paper towel soaked in cleaner fairly often. Also worth mentioning that I used a double action airbrush so the psi may have even been a little lower coming out of the airbrush and I only pulled the needle back as far as I had to. I keep a scrap card or post it note handy and always start and stop spraying on the card/off the model to ensure the brush is acting as I intend it to. Hope that helps!!
2 June 2020, 20:06

Thanks Dave! And I'm sure you can do it Jonathan- that's actually the same airbrush that I used.
3 June 2020, 11:37