1/32 Bf-109G-6H (what-if)
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WW2 didn't started in 1939...It started two years later, when Soviet Union attacked Poland from east. Due to Ribbentrop-Beck pact (and because Adolf H. began to consider himself as a personification of Michelangelo ghost, which hijacked his entire persona) 10 newly produced Bf-109G-6 fighters were quickly moved to airbases in Poland for pre-purchase field tests. Airplanes were repainted ASAP in standard Polish Air Force colors (khaki/light blue) and markings. On four BFs new Hamilton standard propeller provided by Americans was installed. First combat ecounters with soviet fighters gave a lot of insight about capabilities of BF-109G-6H (H for Hamilton prop). It was faster and more agile than any soviet airplane. With new propeller pilots were less concerned about having too little engine power to pull up from deep diving. Soon new BFs became quite common over ETO. Even sooner new fighter became scourge for soviet bombers and fighters as they were no match for speed, ability and armament of BF-6Hs.