屋台ラーメン The Yatai Ramen DoorbellVista: Presentazione Mosaico Elenco 1September 9, 2023The lamp post was a single plastic moulding, which I converted to hold some LEDs. 2September 9, 2023receiver layout 3September 9, 2023433 Mhz RF Receiver is in the base of the stall 4September 9, 2023The tree provided was quite pitiful, so it got stripped, rewired, and re-foliaged as sakura in full bloom (using a minced pink dishwashing sponge). 5September 9, 2023transmitter layout 6September 9, 2023433 Mhz RF Transmitter is wired to my doorbell pushbutton 7September 9, 2023The cart has LEDs installed 8September 9, 2023A wireless doorbell based on an Arii (Microace) Yatai Ramen model with added lights and sound. 9September 9, 2023A wireless doorbell based on an Arii (Microace) Yatai Ramen model with added lights and sound. Commenti25 January 2025, 21:41 - Album infocode and project details at leap.tardate.com/kraft/yatairamendoorbell/屋台ラーメン The Yatai Ramen Doorbell9 immagini1:25CompletatoTutti gli albumVisualizza tutti gli album »