Fleet Air Arm Phantom
February 19, 2016eBay purchase. Bloody RAF...not having a Crab Fat Phantom2
February 19, 2016AAAAAAH. The guy I bought it from had started it, badly.3
February 19, 2016The problem buying partially started kits on eBay. Breaking the kit apart with cause me a few extra issues later.4
February 19, 20165
February 19, 2016RAM Models decals for the FG.16
February 19, 2016Too many choices from RAM Models decals7
February 19, 20168
February 19, 20169
March 1, 2016The damage from splitting the back end.10
March 1, 2016Taking off the tail flap to repair back end.11
March 1, 2016Making a new vent with modelling clay and filler.12
March 2, 2016It worked! Replacement vent made13
March 30, 2016Test fit. It's ok, but will have to close the gaps.14
April 11, 201615
April 11, 201616
April 14, 2016Goodies arrived from the UK.17
April 22, 2016Flightpath's 25kVA ground power rig "Houchin"18
April 22, 201619
April 26, 201620
April 27, 201621
May 2, 201622
May 2, 2016Base coat on the Houchin.23
May 3, 2016Houchin coming along.24
May 2, 2016Crew ladder built and primed.25
May 2, 2016Base coat on and ready for some detail.26
May 4, 2016Ladder just needs a varnish.27
May 4, 2016Fleet Air Arm chocks.28
May 4, 2016Wheels on. Nearly went cross eyed painting the wheel nuts red.29
May 12, 201630
May 2, 2016Rear cockit panel with the dials sanded off and chunks cut out.31
May 5, 201632
May 12, 201633
May 12, 201634
May 12, 201635
May 13, 201636
May 13, 201637
May 13, 201638
May 13, 201639
May 16, 2016More chopping.40
May 16, 201641
May 27, 2016Tub coming together.42
May 30, 2016British RN tractor, but figures are dressed as Yanks.43
May 30, 2016All the figures provided are American flight deck crew. Got some work to do here.44
June 1, 2016See, it really is a Phantom. Coming together.45
June 1, 201646
June 2, 201647
June 2, 2016Home made scribing tool48
June 2, 2016Using the tool like a pen49
September 16, 2016Fitting the intake blanks. I'll fit the handles later.50
January 17, 2017PE on nose oleo.51
January 17, 2017Little bit of scratch wiring in the cockpit52
January 19, 201753
January 19, 201754
August 16, 2019On the bench. Much nicer than working on a tray on the bedroom floor.55
August 21, 2019Aircraft operating area arrived.56
August 21, 2019Primed and pre-shaded.57
August 23, 201958
September 1, 2019Just waiting for the FG.1 to taxi in.59
September 1, 201960
September 10, 2019Rebuilding the ejection seats.61
September 23, 2019Ready to start weathering.62
December 12, 2019New dog.63
December 12, 2019Tail vent broke off (and disappeared) ????64
December 12, 2019Blue stuff & green stuff to make a new vent.65
September 25, 202066
October 1, 202067
October 6, 202068
October 6, 202069
October 12, 2020Tail vent on. A little (gentle) filling and sanding required.70
November 11, 202171
November 11, 202172
May 12, 202273
May 12, 2022Some light reading and great references.74
May 12, 2022Back on the bench from the shelf of shame.75
May 18, 2022Opening up the Ground Power Supply cover. Really should have done this before glueing it together ?♂️76
May 18, 2022And the Houchin cable goes in here.77
May 18, 2022Made some handles for the intake blanks. Little chunky, but once they are painted and weathered I think they’ll work.78
May 24, 202279
May 25, 2022Metal finish on the heat shield. I was advised to do this first.80
June 7, 2022Cans! Airwaves FGR.2 exhaust nozzles. Reading up there is no visual difference. The FG.1 engines simply had a quicker reaction time for “wave off” on the flight deck.81
June 9, 2022Step looking good (then I knocked it off)82
June 9, 2022She a lady in black! So good to have all the repairs and filling covered.83
June 16, 2022Should look nice once it’s weathered84
June 16, 202285
June 22, 202286
June 23, 202287
June 24, 2022Making a “training variant” sidewinder to go on the stb inner rail.88
June 29, 202289
June 29, 2022Ready to receive the next colour.90
June 29, 202291
July 16, 202292
July 19, 2022Family time means time away from the bench. Not always a bad thing.93
July 19, 202294
July 19, 2022Now she’s ready for some colour!95
July 21, 202296
July 21, 2022Extra Dark Sea Grey is on….. but I’m not sure, I feel it should be a little darker and a little bluer.97
July 22, 202298
September 2, 2022Dry rub Hobby Decals. Gorgeous, but sooooooo many99
September 11, 2022
26 February 2025, 20:21 -
Album info
An RAF Phantom being made as a Royal Navy FG.1.