Albums (37)Afficher tous les albums du projet Parcourir les projetsDerniers albums du projet19 imagesthe REAL flying cats1:144Projet: the REAL flying cats15 imagesThe Roman Palisade1:72Projet: the Roman Palisade35 imagesPolikarpov, the evolution!1:72Projet: Polikarpov R59 imagesJu-52 Colombian Air Force1:72Projet: Ju-52 Colombian Air Force restoration8 imagesJu-52 Colombian Air Force restoration1:72Projet: Ju-52 Colombian Air Force restoration86 imagesMirage 5, the three amigos1:72Projet: Mirage 5, the three amigos51 imagesMartin B-26 Marauder, the recovery!1:72Projet: Martin B-26 Marauder, the recovery!Show all project albums Parcourir les projets Autres albums11 imagesthe evil cat (Tiger Tank)4 imagesRAH COMANCHE "COLOMBIAN AIR FORCE"179 imagesmis modelos terminados, my ending modelsairco5 imagescabaña alpina28 imagesalgunos trabajosAlbatros y Fokker80 imagesRifle and Grenade Launcher