The GannetVoir: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1July 19, 2022There's not much cockpit detail in the two modules that fit neatly into the fuselage 2July 19, 2022All stitched up and ready for painting. Attempting this "armour style" for a speedy build 3July 19, 2022Basic painting complete. The main issue at this stage was the fit of the canopies. 4July 19, 2022my "light grey green" may be a bit on the spearmint chewing gum end of the spectrum😉 5July 19, 2022Decals on and a clean finish for now - the beautifully ugly Fairey Gannet! 6July 19, 2022 7July 19, 2022It needed Jupiter-grade levels of Liquid Gravity not to be a tail-sitter! Commentaires20 February 2025, 16:14 - Project infoBritish "Gannet" AS.MK.1/47 images1:72TerminéTous les albumsVoir tous les albums »