Arado Ar-190 Voir: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1 March 14, 2020
Side gun bulge sanded down and trench filled. Also filled the trenched under the canopy as they aren't in the book
2 March 14, 2020
Raised panel lines removed and rescribed
3 March 14, 2020
Started adding photo-etch to floats after removing moulded detail
4 March 14, 2020
Completed floats
5 March 14, 2020
Rear of floats showing new photo-etch rudders
6 March 14, 2020
Float assembly primed
7 March 14, 2020
Engine and propeller built and painted
8 March 20, 2020
Engine weathers and glued into the replacement cowl. Propeller added to finish the sub-assembly
9 March 15, 2020
Photo-etch cockpit parts added - very fiddly work!
10 March 20, 2020
Cockpit painted and (maybe over-) weathered
11 April 5, 2021
Fuselage glued together and wings added. This shot shows the radiator section hollowed out and some mesh added so you can't see through it.
12 April 5, 2021
Float glued on - a lot of filling and sanding required. Floats already painted as the tops will be hard to get to.
13 April 5, 2021
Top view - still some work needed in the cockpit (rear seat and the framing between the two seats)
14 April 5, 2021
Side view showing the extension needed on the front of the fuselage as the after-market engine cowl wouldn't fit without it.
15 September 18, 2021
The aircraft in the book has a different canopy setup to the kit. I removed the centre upright and made a mould and a copy out of clear resin
16 September 18, 2021
Finished the interior and glued on the canopy pieces
17 September 20, 2021
Etched aerials added, canopy masked and framework painted
18 September 22, 2021
Main paint done - decals next
19 September 22, 2021
And about time to attach the nose and engine...
20 October 2, 2021
Decals added. Lots of small white markings that don't show up well in the photo, as well as the insignia from Blue Rider - I went for the EFRS markings from the English language version of the book
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Commentaires 18 February 2025, 09:12 -
Album info This is the EFSR (European Foundation for Scientific Research) Ar-190 floatplane from the Tintin book The Shooting Star. Its based on the Revell 172 kit with an Eduard photo-etch set and a Quickboost cowling. As it is meant to be a civillian aircraft I've also tried to demilitarise it by getting rid of hard points and guns.
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