DH Puss Moth Voir: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1 October 29, 2017
Location of new windows marked onto kit body
2 October 29, 2017
Body of fuselage hollowed out, window openings expanded and wire frames/spars added to top opening. Dials etc added to dash and styrene floor inserted
3 October 29, 2017
Windows made from acetate sheet, glued in place and masked
4 October 29, 2017
Wings glued onto spars and wing struts added.
5 October 30, 2017
Undercarriage struts added
6 November 1, 2017
Primed, some filling, sanding, primed again...
7 November 4, 2017
Painted and decals added
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Commentaires 16 February 2025, 22:03 -
Album info This is the Omega Models resin DH80 Puss Moth kit modified as the aircraft used by Tintin in the book Cigars of the Pharaoh. The main modification is to change the number and shapes of the windows.
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