Angry F6F-3 Hellcat
August 19, 2017Well this is going to be fun!!! Big Ed is a step up!2
August 20, 2017Dry fit the cockpit3
August 20, 20174
August 20, 20175
August 20, 2017Other bits and bobs6
August 21, 2017Lead wire used to replace the lost seatbelt rail7
August 21, 2017Scratchbuilt seatbelt rail8
August 22, 2017Primed. Forgot some PE on the seat and had a bit of a splurge on one of the fuselage halves!9
August 24, 2017PE dashboard. Micro Kristal Klear for the dials.10
September 5, 201711
September 5, 201712
September 5, 201713
September 5, 201714
September 5, 2017Wings and cowling!15
September 9, 2017Halves done ready for joining16
September 10, 2017Sealing her up. Nice fit. Sanding a filling next17
September 10, 2017Wings and tail are on but there is some filling to do!18
September 17, 201719
September 17, 2017Need to rescribe20
September 18, 2017On its legs21
September 21, 201722
September 21, 2017Complex undercarriage done!23
September 24, 201724
September 24, 201725
September 24, 201726
September 24, 201727
September 25, 2017Sanded a little too hard and re-primed. Mistake but we live and learn.28
September 25, 2017green!29
September 25, 2017Bits and bobs painted30
September 25, 2017Green on the weathered areas. Need to sand back was a bit ott31
October 16, 2017Nose on engine underneath. Onto painting!32
October 17, 2017Vallejo Insignia White. Gone down fairly well. Not my best work33
October 18, 2017
20 February 2025, 15:52 -
Project info
33 images