'JAP RAT' Datsun P510
17 26 February, 12:33

Love this build! The subject is fantastic, and you did a wonderful job conceptualizing and finishing it.
27 February, 23:27

This one takes me back to the 80s. My buddy had a bone stock 510. His neighbor had one as well. Both were 4 door sedans. The neighbor's was a beautiful blue with all of the bells of the day. And it was low and fast. He also built a very fast and pretty 260Z for his girlfriend. He traveled to Japan for business a lot and would visit the factory store often and buy speed parts carrying them home to Vancouver as luggage. He had a turbo setup with a factory head in his basement and he insisted that we install it on my buddy's 510, (pea green with scratches and rust spots. Unbelievably power change. We thoroughly enjoyed blowing the doors of of the popular IROCs and the like that we encountered just to have these guys chase us down to find out how losing was possible against such a homely car.
8 March, 19:38