20 11 January, 18:57
Wow 👍 The kit looks fantastic but also very challenging. Best of luck, Jenny, looking forward to the build!
1 11 January, 22:02
Looking forward to the complete build. Hope your little helper doesn't get any stray fur under your decals which FYI: is not a good time 😄
1 12 January, 06:38
It is supposed to be a very nice kit. Wish you happy modelling hours.
1 27 January, 11:25
Nice project Jennifer 👍 put your masking skills to the test .
Good luck with the build 😀👍
1 5 February, 16:44
If you collect enough Airfix flying hours..... They include a free 🐈😺 cat on you next purchase, Good British value folks 😁👍
2 5 February, 16:47
Welcome, Villiers de Vos, Felix, and Mr D. My current cat models might object to this free cat you speak of.
2 5 February, 23:35