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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Gun Ship of the Valley of the Wind

Bandai | N° 0124909 | 1:72

Boxart Gun Ship of the Valley of the Wind 0124909 Bandai


23 images
Gunship - MontageView album, image #2
Le kit est simple, peu de pièces. Certaine pièces se dégrappent avec difficulté (Attaches trop épaisses)
1:72 Gun Ship of the Valley of the Wind (Bandai 0124909)
66 images
Gunship of the Valley of the WindView album, image #51
1:72 Gun Ship of the Valley of the Wind (Bandai 0124909)
37 images
Reichsflughafen "Kaiser-Wilhelm IV."View album, image #1
1:144 Junkers G 38 (Revell 04053)1:72 Hangar Sport (GPM H72-03)1:72 Gun Ship of the Valley of the Wind (Bandai 0124909)
8 images
Bandai Gunship of the Valley of WindView album, image #1
1:72 Gun Ship of the Valley of the Wind (Bandai 0124909)
50 images
Ghibli: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Mehve)View album, image #1
Hmm.. a pair of wings...
1:72 Sturmtiger (Early Production) (Trumpeter 07274)1:72 Gun Ship of the Valley of the Wind (Bandai 0124909)