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Donald Dickson II (smokeriderdon)

Tan Son Nhut Jan 1967


27 17 March 2019, 18:06
Donald Dickson II
My father took this pic on 17Jan67. The one with the planes in it. LOL He identifies the C-47 as an AC-47. BUT, it has a white underside, leading me to think it is an EC-47. BUT, my dad was the one that was there, not I. And unfortunately, he is not with us, so I can get no clarification.

Anyway, I plan on building this as a diorama. I have the CH-3 and the two RF-101. Gotta figure the 47 out and get some revetments. This one is going to be long.
17 March 2019, 18:09
Donald Dickson II
So. I have been doing a lot of research. I have found at least one pic from late 1966 of an AC-47 at Tan San Nhut with a white/light gray underside. I also have been looking at the pic until my eyes water, and I just dont see the antennae that were on the EC. So, I am going to go with an AC-47 with a white underside.

Opinions definitely welcome.
1 April 2019, 22:10
Michael Hickey
This is going to be one massive dio, I'm defiantly in.👍
2 April 2019, 03:51
Donald Dickson II
Yeah. I am waiting for a place in England to have more revetments. Then I will start on it I think.
2 April 2019, 12:02
Holger Kranich
Whenever you start - I am in! Thats a really cool idea!
2 April 2019, 12:14
Donald Dickson II
Welcome sir! I am pretty sure this one is gonna take a while. But truly a labor of love.
2 April 2019, 12:48
Holger Kranich
Is modeling and love not always connected?😉 I am looking forward!😄
2 April 2019, 12:51
Donald Dickson II
So, I was going through the kits to see what I might need when I get to this build. I hadnt really perused the Valom kits yet. WOW! Resin seamless intakes, resin nose with all the camera windows, PE, seemingly well molded. I am REALLY itching to get at these now!
20 May 2019, 01:15
Nathan Dempsey
Wow, this is going to be awesome.
20 May 2019, 04:25
Łukasz Gliński
Very cool topic, will follow. Wondering how the Jolly Green Giant will turn out as I'm still afraid to re-rivet mine, hence it's still waiting in the stash.
Just in case - I have set of spare Dakota flaps from Eduard than I don't need 🙂
20 May 2019, 12:43
Donald Dickson II
Lukas, I dont mess with rescribing and the like(unless I destroy stuff sanding). They actually got it pretty much right even back in 70. They are rivet monsters as you can see in the pic.
20 May 2019, 13:41
Donald Dickson II
I have about 80% of what I will need. I believe I will be starting at least the AC here soon.
1 October 2019, 03:08
Donald Dickson II
OK, so once the SU-35 is done, this will be on the bench. Got most everything I need aside from a frame and the like for the base. But I need the planes together so I know what size to make it.
27 March 2020, 17:12
Donald Dickson II
Alright, i am getting into this now. I have the CH-3 up on deck. I need to figure out what to use for the rod to seat in that will hold it up. I was thinking a block of wood or the like glued to the inside bottom. There is no detail at all in the back, so am thinking I will just black out the windows. Any thoughts?
9 January 2021, 04:50
Łukasz Gliński
Depends how much you want to go into detailing. As I have similar project in mind, I still should have couple of pics what should be there. I bought a Sea King PE fret to pimp up the cockpit too.
9 January 2021, 15:07
Donald Dickson II
I am not going to detail the interior too much. Of the 4 aircraft, the copter shows the least detail. Probably put more energy into the engines that are exposed on the AC-47.
9 January 2021, 17:40
Łukasz Gliński
Sure, hope some pics will help you though.
Reference pics | Album by Woody (1:72)
9 January 2021, 18:03
Donald Dickson II
Thank you Lukasz. 🙂

Work underway on the CH-3. As you can see in the pic dad took, this one did not have the tanks on nor had it been equipped with refueling yet. So I had to do surgery to remove the molded on tank mount. A liberal application of perfect plastic putty to fill the holes. They were sanded and primed and set aside.

The body is together. I glued a small wooden block to the inside floor to use for the metal rod. We will see how that goes. I painted the inside of the body flat black. I didnt paint the inside of the windows, though now I am thinking I should have. But, as I said, the copter is not in the foreground. Thank God considering how AWFUL the figures are and lack of anything in the cockpit.
13 January 2021, 03:20
Donald Dickson II
Got the windscreen on, hole drilled for the rod and black and white primer sprayed. All the handling popped the join on the bottom. Gonna have to redo that tomorrow. And a little seam work, but not too bad consider this is a 1970 kit.
14 January 2021, 03:23
Donald Dickson II
Ohohohoh, something I wanted to mention. I have seen commentary over the years about this kit where they called it a rivet queen or the like. And that they sanded them off blah blah. Ummmmm, thats my dad standing next to one of his CH-3Cs. What the hell do you see a metric shit ton of????
14 January 2021, 03:26
Łukasz Gliński
What did they used to call another aircraft (Shackleton I think it was)? "Million rivets flying in a close formation"😉
I sanded off the ones I had on my Superfreighter, planned to redo them, but gave up and yes it looks bit bald to me sometimes 🙁
14 January 2021, 08:10
Donald Dickson II
Well, copters are a group of parts flying in formation, sooo... LOL
14 January 2021, 14:51
Donald Dickson II
OK, so camo on. Just the first spray. Tweaking to be done and some more light sanding to be done here and there. I free handed it. I get pretty good control with this Grex. I may do that on all 4 aircraft. We shall see.

The rotors are NOT on permanently. Just on for the pic.
22 January 2021, 02:40
Greg Baker
Oh, this is gonna be good!
22 January 2021, 02:59
Donald Dickson II
Greg, I certainly hope so. LOL
22 January 2021, 14:06
Donald Dickson II
Roland, Get comfy. This one's going to take awhile. LOL
22 January 2021, 15:03
Konrad -
Hi Donald!
Very interesting project! Count me in here as well!
22 January 2021, 15:07
Donald Dickson II
Welcome Konrad! 🙂
22 January 2021, 20:23
Donald Dickson II
So, shock and surprise, the kit decals from 1970 did not work. Well, all but a couple. They all splintered. So I am waiting for the Atlantis kit (this company bought the old Revell molds and released them under their name. Including a lot of the old 50s kits with the awesome clear stands) and I will use those decals. Brand new and all. One pic of her right now. Once I have decals I will post a couple more.

Next up, the RF-101's.
29 January 2021, 02:59
Greg Baker
Oh, I want to see an RF-101! Sign me up!
29 January 2021, 05:03
Donald Dickson II
Well, you will get to see 2! LOL
29 January 2021, 23:42
Donald Dickson II
A little bit of a start on the 101s. These are nice kits. They come with resin upgrades and PE. Surface detail is very nice. Only one real issue. The parts trees have no numbers. Thankfully the I traction are clear and there aren't but two parts sprees for each kit. Makes finding them not too bad.
1 February 2021, 03:01
Donald Dickson II
Cockpits done. Kind of basic, but the PE belts help and the decals are decent. Onto the wheel wells and intake. And the intakes are very nice resin affairs. While the plastic is reminding me a limited run kit, no slots for fitting things, mostly butt joins so far, the extras with it are very nice.
3 February 2021, 01:32
Konrad -
Very nice Donald! Looking forward to the next steps!
3 February 2021, 05:25
Donald Dickson II
OK, this has all the issues of a limited run kit. Dont think it is as there are several different versions. No locater pins at all. Fit is meh. As mentioned no parts numbers on the trees. And that gap at the wing fuselage join... *sigh*
8 February 2021, 03:34
Donald Dickson II
Progress being made. 🙂
19 February 2021, 03:31
Lon Moer
I'm really digging that early Air Force Colt 602 XM16 your Dad is holding. Brand new tech back then, but very Retro now. 🙂
19 February 2021, 05:20
Donald Dickson II
Lon, it IS wicked cool. Would love to have that now. LOL
19 February 2021, 22:26
Clifford Keesler
My dad was there in 68. Me Bien Hao, 71.
20 February 2021, 05:54
Clifford Keesler
Nice project by the way. Watching.
20 February 2021, 05:56
Donald Dickson II
Clifford, cool. Was he AF also?

OK, so the kit comes with a PE fret. I thought the PE for the landing gear doors was to add detail. Nope. Those ARE the landing gear doors. I get this is a 1/72 kit, but flat pe for the gear doors???? Ummm, no. So I gut them off the fret and super glued them to some plastic card. Cutting them out and sanding them even. Should look good once I paint them.
26 February 2021, 01:50
Clifford Keesler
Yes, Donald he was Air Force also. I was Army, then Navy.
26 February 2021, 21:34
Donald Dickson II
A grunt/squid!😉

The 101s are painted. Touch ups and details like the intakes next. Then clear coat and decals and weathering.
3 March 2021, 03:35
Konrad -
Nice Donald the camo came out great👍!
3 March 2021, 05:29
Clifford Keesler
Looking nice sir.
4 March 2021, 03:21
Donald Dickson II
Slight scale issue with the decals. *sigh*
5 March 2021, 02:43
Donald Dickson II
Oh, and the no step decals all say no push. Time to get decal sets.
5 March 2021, 02:46
Donald Dickson II
OK, I qm now waiting on two sets of decals from Caracal. I KNOW those will be correct. Also they have black tail numbers which is what I need. I can't read them in the pic. Just can see they are black not white. Also waiting on another set of wheels as one of the front tires decided to ping into the great beyond. Those are coming from Ukraine, so who knows when I will get them. So I will set this aside for the moment and get to work on the Chinook.
6 March 2021, 00:20
Donald Dickson II
And thank you Clifford. 🙂
6 March 2021, 00:21
Clifford Keesler
It seems we all are buying wheels from the Ukraine. I am waiting on four sets of them.
6 March 2021, 23:36
Nathan Dempsey
I just bought several tire sets from Scale Model Kits off of EBay. He's in Ukraine and beat another order from the US, plus he sent candy and a mini-comic about the journey of my package😄
7 March 2021, 03:37
Donald Dickson II
Clifford, which brand?

Nathan, I dont think I am going to be that lucky. Its been 2 weeks now and nothing at all showing on "tracking"
7 March 2021, 14:37
Clifford Keesler
The ones I ordered are Res-Kit. @Nathan. I order alot of stuff from scale model kits. @ Donald I got an E-mail Yesterday that mine had shipped.
8 March 2021, 22:22
Donald Dickson II
Clifford, yep, Reskit here too. And they must have mailed out a bunch at once because I got an update as well
9 March 2021, 00:36
Clifford Keesler
Glad to know yours are on the way also.
10 March 2021, 01:53
Donald Dickson II
OK, so I got the wheels and the decals and set to doing decals last night. And this really torks me off. I had to spend 30.00 for 2 sets of decals, most of which I HAVE ZERO USE for, because Valom cant manage to get their shit straight.

I had to steal tail numbers from one of the other non camo schemes because the ones provided for the camo planes are white. The planes in the pic have black tail numbers. So the tail numbers themselves are likely totally wrong, but at least the correct color. LOL
21 March 2021, 21:08
Donald Dickson II
Both decaled, made a little dirty and flat coated.
23 March 2021, 02:56
Clifford Keesler
Looking good there Donald. Sorry to hear about your decal problems
23 March 2021, 23:07
Donald Dickson II
Its not a huge deal other than it caused me to spend 30 bucks I shouldnt have. That just makes my eyes twitch.
24 March 2021, 01:47
Donald Dickson II
Exhausts on, rear painted. Stabs on. Just the landing gear, fuel tanks and fiddly stuff left.
26 March 2021, 22:37
Clifford Keesler
Go man go. LOL.
27 March 2021, 04:46
Nathan Dempsey
Gotta love some dual Voodoos! Nice work Donald🙂
27 March 2021, 15:05
Donald Dickson II
And the 101s are done. Thank God.
6 April 2021, 20:58
Clifford Keesler
Nice work Donald, they look great.
7 April 2021, 03:00
Konrad -
Very nice work Donald??
7 April 2021, 04:34
Łukasz Gliński
Wow, always thought they are much bigger, closer to the Vark's size 😠
7 April 2021, 07:29

Album info

A diorama project

28 kuvien
1:72 RF-101G/H Voodoo (Valom 72114)1:72 AC-47 Gunship "Spooky" (Italeri 167)1:72 Sikorsky HH-3E Jolly Green Giant (Revell H-144)1:72 U.S. Aerospace Ground Equipment Set (Hasegawa 35006-500)1:48 Vietnam Revetments - 12' (USAFline USF48-601)1:72 US equipment (Vietnam war) (Black Dog T72034)

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