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HyunMo Koo (hugemon)

30MM Cielnova Custom [Space Type] Snap built


4 7 February, 13:23
Jennifer Franklin
How long did it take to build?
 7 February, 13:30
HyunMo Koo
Welp, looking at my video footage I recorded somewhere around 6 hours just to build the thing. (Not including the panel lining.)
Mind you I'm a very slow builder. I usually spend multiple minutes per parts cutting them off, cleaning the nub marks with glass files, sometimes even polishing the surface if the process of removing the nub marks somehow changed it's surface texture from rest of the part...

I'd say if you do it straight (just straight cut off the sprue and then clean the nub marks with hobby blades) it'd be done in around 2 hours maybe.
 7 February, 14:20
Jennifer Franklin
Great results.
 7 February, 14:21

Album info

Custom space type version of 30MM Cielnova.

Includes new legs and shoulder armor, boosters etc and also has many optional parts which can be added.

501 kuvien
1:144 eEXM-17 Alto (Flight Type) [Navy] (Bandai Spirits 5058867)1:144 bEXM-15 Portanova (Space Type) [Gray] (Bandai Spirits 5058871)1:144 Customize Weapons (Gatling Unit) (Bandai Spirits 5063709)1:144 Option Parts Set 12 (Hand Parts / Multi-Joint) (Bandai Spirits 5065115)1:144 EXM-A9a Spinatio [Army Type] (Bandai Spirits 5062175)1:144 bEXM-14TS Cielnova Custom [Space Type] (Bandai Spirits 5066029)1:144 EXM-E7f Spinatia [Fencer Type] (Bandai Spirits 5061789)14+

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