Matchbox Grumman EA-6B ProwlerVer : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1December 15, 2020Matchbox had some nice artwork on their boxes. 2December 15, 2020Kit is from 1979. And you can’t buy much for £1:49 anymore. 3December 15, 2020The old decals took useable, so I’m going to make the “Zapper”. 4December 15, 2020Lunchtime at work. This might be how I lost the under-wing pylon?! 5December 15, 2020 6December 15, 2020Notice the rear canopy in the middle of the box. It was misformed. No returning that to Matchbox. 7December 15, 2020Matchbox gave you the option for wings spread or folded. Going to babe this one flying. 8December 15, 2020Ah, when kits came with figures. Faces painted and base coat and ink on. 9December 15, 2020Aircrew ready to put in the model. 10December 15, 2020Just a little bit of etching. 11December 15, 2020Canopy repaired with an old coke bottle. 12December 15, 2020Black basing always makes a model took bad ass. 13December 15, 2020Making a pylon from plastic card. 14December 15, 2020Marble coat on. 15December 21, 2020Mixed my own Gull Grey from what I had on the shelf. 16January 6, 2021And the white goes on. 17January 6, 2021 18January 6, 2021 19January 13, 2021Mixing the colours together for the nose wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped. It was a little too pink and flesh at first. 20January 13, 2021Clear coat before decals. 21January 13, 2021 22January 19, 2021Really happy with the way the old decals went on. 23January 24, 2021I read that lacquer thinners works well with floor polish. I tried the Self Levelling Thinners and wow, does it ever make a difference! 24January 26, 2021Home made mud wash. 25February 2, 2021Ta Da 26February 2, 2021 27February 2, 2021 28February 2, 2021 29February 3, 2021I’m going to have to get the “blurred” sea print, but this will work. 30February 3, 2021 31February 3, 2021 32February 3, 2021 33February 3, 2021 34February 3, 2021 35October 21, 2021Now flying across my son’s ceiling. Comentarios23 January 2025, 10:23 - Project infoMatchbox EA-6B Prowler.35 imágenes1:72TerminadoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »