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Sven Schönyan (ssn-modellbau)

C-54D Skymaster


8 February 2025, 13:49 -

Album info

Even when the molds are brand new there are some areas with some excess to be removed. After the cleanup I assembled the parts for the cockpit intruments and prepared the forward wheel bay and the passenger cabin for painting. XF58 as base colour and then lightened up with XF59 and XF2 was my choise for interior green. The floorplates got a mixture of XF27 and XF50 to match Revell´s 69 Granitgrau also lightened with white. Directly afterwards I applied Tamiyas clear coat.

14 imágenes
En progreso
1:72 C-54D Skymaster (Revell 04877)
Douglas C-54 Skymaster
US US Air Force (1947-now)

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