July 18, 2014Great details in the cockpit2
July 18, 2014First step : airbrushing (Vallejo Air)3
July 18, 2014Then the details (Life Color + Vallejo)4
July 18, 20145
July 18, 20146
July 18, 20147
July 18, 20148
July 18, 20149
July 23, 201410
July 23, 201411
July 30, 2014More details in the cockpit12
July 30, 2014PE on the wings13
July 30, 2014Some PE parts on the fuselage too14
July 30, 2014Almost ready for painting15
July 30, 201416
August 11, 2014Painting started17
August 11, 201418
August 11, 201419
August 11, 201420
August 14, 201421
August 14, 201422
August 14, 201423
August 20, 201424
August 20, 201425
September 1, 201426
September 1, 201427
September 13, 201428
September 13, 201429
September 13, 201430
October 13, 201431
October 13, 201432
October 13, 201433
October 13, 201434
October 13, 201435
October 13, 2014
14 March 2025, 14:13 -