CyberHobby Sherman Firefly
20 October 2013, 21:47

Mike, nice fix on the fit problem. I have the Dragon Mk.Ic Firefly. Wonder if it has the same problems.
23 October 2013, 17:11

Thanks Roy. A few more pics added. Turret seam finished and tracks on.
27 October 2013, 00:15

Mike, you did a great job on the turret. Can not tell there was a seam. How did you do the texture on the turret seam?
27 October 2013, 00:34

I was thinking that but just wanted to make sure. It came out great.
28 October 2013, 00:27

Oh nm just building a panther in italy an p51 for amkorean war vet (see my page😢) and I did but I found one with the zimm coating on it 🙂 go figure oh and btw I love the cast texture you did🙂 I use slightly thinned tamiya putty and tjen stiple it then slightly sand it 🙂
9 November 2013, 03:14

Good work my man. I still don't have the courage to build any of my aircraft kits.
9 November 2013, 07:27

Thats what I said 🙂 and I didnt either till I realized mondat was veterans day and was snooping around the stash and found tnis p 51😉🙂
9 November 2013, 12:54

Thanks all. Construction is complete. Let the spraying commence. 🙂
11 November 2013, 19:20

I used exactly one part from a photo etch set for detailing Shermans. The rest of the p.e. came with the kit. I also scratch built a few things.
11 November 2013, 23:06

Ohhhhh I see haha it looks beautiful cant wait to see some paint
11 November 2013, 23:07

Progress report. New pics up. Camouflage, gloss coat, and decals on.
24 November 2013, 23:16

that camo looks pretty good nice looking firefly, besides the figures what other stuff came with this kit for upgrades, did it have DS tracks?
24 November 2013, 23:23

Thanks William. The tracks were indy links not ds and the kit came with a small fret of p.e. You can see them in my pics.
24 November 2013, 23:37

Hey mike ilove the mkdel its turning out superb and wa t tobuild this kit 🙂
What were the problems with the kit?!?!?!
24 November 2013, 23:43

Thanks Fabian.
Thanks Hunter. The kit had a few fit issues but nothing I couldn't handle. A warped upper hull, some rather large holes for mounting the tools that I just filled in, and a large seam to fill on the turret.
25 November 2013, 01:42

Thanks mikec🙂 cant wait to get this one 🙂🙂 and like I said beautiful job 🙂
(Jw but does the other orange box firefly have the individual links ????)
25 November 2013, 01:48

Good job Mike. Looks really good. I Wish I could get up the guts to build some of my armor. I have never built a tank of any kind.
25 November 2013, 02:04

..Nice job Mike, this got me looking for a Sherman to build. Can?t seem to find what I?m looking for from my usual purveyor?.
Question: I see allot of folks messing around with weld seams. Is this application addressed in any of the popular How To books or DVD?s?
Thanks for posting,
25 November 2013, 03:40

Thanks Hunter. I've never seen the other Firefly kit but my guess would be that it does have indy links.
Thank you Clifford. IMHO armor builds are the easiest of all.
Thanks Jonny. Friend request accepted.
And thank you James. I wish I could answer your question but I don't know. I get all my info for free from the internet!
25 November 2013, 16:56

Mike get any pin washes or pigments on or anything ???? Im really looking forward to the end result
30 November 2013, 05:00

Thanks guys.
Yes Hunter. I've started the weatherig process. But I'm having trouble getting the look I want. I will post more pics soon. Maybe later tonight or tomorrow.
30 November 2013, 14:08

Haha ibcan never get the look I want either on green vehicals 😛 so I bought the vallejo green vehical weathering setn🙂 it looks great and cant wait to use it 🙂 I wish you the bestnof luck with the weathering and cant wait for more pics 🙂
30 November 2013, 16:44

Made a start on some weathering. Pigments, dry-brushing, and a little oil paint. Then I stopped for a day or two to refresh my perspective. I'm kind of hitting a wall with this one.
4 December 2013, 02:06

Hi Mike... Great build, it looks massive!!!🙂
Is that Evel Knievel or Eddie kidd jumping his Bike over the Tank???
4 December 2013, 07:21

Thanks Steve. I think that is Ghostrider 🙂
Thanks Kim.
Thank you Fabian. I think you may be right.
4 December 2013, 16:43

Not done yet Hunter. Im going to pile some stowage on the back and add some dirt to the tracks.
13 December 2013, 11:52

Omg now it will look even better 😄😄😄 what willyou use for the dirt and stowage???
13 December 2013, 20:14

I'll use pigments on the tracks and I'm working on making rolls and tarps out of tissue. Tent poles from plastic rod. Plus a few odds and ends from my spares box...a crate, a gas can, etc. It's slow going because I've totally lost interest in this build. But I'm going to see it through. I swore I would never start another kit until the present build is done.
15 December 2013, 23:29

ceep it up, it´s quite common to loose motivation in between 🙂
Maybe I should try this swearing thing... would definely cerate a lot more moddeling space😉
15 December 2013, 23:37

That looks amazing 😄😄 how did you do the streaking affect ???? This looks top notch and this is just amazing
3 January 2014, 00:25

Thanks Hunter. I used oil paints for the streaking. Tan, brown, and black.
3 January 2014, 00:30

If you mean the bare metal effect, I used a cheap craft store acrylic paint that I really like. It's called "Metallic Gunmetal Gray" by FolkArt. But first I painted them brown then added different dirt flavored pigments.
3 January 2014, 01:04

Ahhhh what a simple yet effective way 🙂😄 I will look for some 😄 thanks for the tip=)😄
3 January 2014, 01:29