Tie Advanced X1 nd
1 16 February 2014, 17:09

Amazing pictures! Did you use Mr color paintings or what? I tried to paint one Interceptor with this colour but I couln't get it so real. What's the secret? Congratulations!
16 February 2014, 22:33

This was painted with Tamiya paint. I eyeballed the color until I liked it and I don't have the specific mix, sorry!
This is Fine Molds kits. If you are looking for great renditions of SW ships, these are the ones to get. They are a bit pricy as opposed to the other well-known company who makes SW kits, but they are so much more nicer... and to the same scale too!
I got the Millenium Falcon in my stash but I want to finish all the other ones I have before I start it!
17 February 2014, 15:48

Thank's Christian. I know these kits. They are of superb quality and fit. I built the Y-Wing fighter and Slave I jet. Regarding the color Imwillmdo it like you did it because the Mr Color stated in the instruction is nearly not available.
17 February 2014, 18:58

I also got the Y-wing which is mostly finished and just need some paint. I'll finish up this week since the gang is out on vacation...
18 February 2014, 14:03
Album info
Built this little gem for the Star Wars campaign on Armorama.